What's Your Story: Steve


Please share some of your background:
I grew up in New York, went to school in Indiana and now live in Portland, OR. I'm 42 years old, been married for 16+ years and have two boys ages 13 and 9 that I nicknamed "The Clown Show" due to their antics. I'm an avid reader (finished 102 books last year) and huge sports fan. I work for a large multinational technology company as an operations director within Sales & Marketing.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
My dad had a copy of Term Limits that I borrowed while I was home from college for a visit with my family. I loved it and was hooked! This was sometime around 1998/99 and Vince was just getting started so I began getting each book as they were published. Vince quickly became a must read for me.

Which book is your favorite?
It's hard to pick just one. Term Limits is probably my favorite because it aged so well. I read it again last year and it feels like the story line is still quite relevant. However, I'm going to go with Enemy Of The State because of where I was at in my life at the time. In May 2017 I spent the whole month in the hospital with a rare and critical medical condition that nearly killed me. Fortunately I was able to fight through it and recover, but then I spent an additional 4 months on medical leave from work as I went through PT and tried to get back to normal. During this time, I read a lot of books, including Enemy Of The State, which was part of my mental rehab. Reading thrillers not only killed time between exercises, but helped me exercise my brain. Having my old friend Mitch Rapp back for another adventure during this time was meaningful to me during a difficult time.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Stan Hurley has always been one of my favorite characters. He's tough, stubborn, loyal, wise and a great patriot. Plus how can you not like the man who molded Mitch into what he ultimately became?

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Mitch Rapp of course! Who wouldn't want to be the ultimate bad ass? But if i had to pick someone other than Rapp, I'd go with Thomas Stansfield. Think it'd be awesome to be the ultimate spymaster.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I'm so thrilled that Mitch Rapp is in great hands with Kyle. He's crushing it in a big way! Keep up the great work Kyle!

What's Your Story: Joy


Please share some of your background:
My husband,  who passed away in 2012 from an incurable cancer after 12 years, could never understand my obsession with Mitch Rapp and the series.   I was always a voracious reader and looking for new authors, but espionage, CIA, hit men, etc had never been on my radar.  I was hooked after the 1st one and recommended Vince and now Kyle to anyone who will listen.  Losing my husband,  my dad, Vince and Michael Palmer all within a few years of each other, was like losing another part of me.  Kyle continued for Vince, and Daniel Palmer continued for his dad, so I, for one, greatly appreciated the continuity.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
From the very beginning.

Which book is your favorite?
Impossible to pick one. I only read the reviews after I'm finished and sometimes I wonder if we've read the same book!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch makes the series but without the interactions, Mitch wouldn't be.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Lately I'd have to say Claudia Gould.  She's able to bring out a side of Mitch we haven't seen since Anna, the difference being Claudia knows what he does and accepts him while working with him, in a broad sense.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I love how there's no rush to bring a publication before it's ready or just to keep the fans happy.  Believe me,  we're not going anywhere!

What's Your Story: Dave


Please share some of your background:
Prior to recent retirement, I was one of those curious people that wanted to try various occupations from engineering, telecom network construction, road construction to sporting goods and retail sales.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
Several years ago, a friend handed me a paperback copy of Memorial Day while we were on vacation in Florida. I was so engrossed by Vince's descriptive writing  characters and story line, I Googled his Mitch Rapp novels, began reading them in order. I also started collecting the entire collection in hardcover, purchasing the newest book each October to take to Florida in January every year. I have enjoyed how Kyle Mills has continued writing these novels in the true style and spirit of Vince.

Which book is your favorite?
Probably Memorial Day because it took my Mitch Rapp virginity!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch, of course, but I love Scott Coleman's story line in each book and his SEAL background. And who doesn't love Stan Hurley.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Scott Coleman, because I like his background and role in each story.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
As a prostate cancer survivor, I wish I could have shaken hands with Vince if he had survived too. Get yourself checked out fellas!

What's Your Story: Gregg


Please share some of your background:
I am a reading teacher and basketball coach. Two of my former students are Rapp fans. I have a blended family of 5 kids. My wife and I enjoy our canine kids daily.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 

Which book is your favorite?
American Assassin slightly more than Transfer Of Power. Love beginnings. Love the development of Hurley/Rapp relationship. Also, Flynn a master at character development.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Irene Kennedy. She is behind the scenes, at least with regard to the action. Also, she is a successful and masterful woman in the ultimate men’s club.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Kennedy for the above reasons. Otherwise, Congressman O'Rourke in an expanded role or Scott Coleman. They always try to do the right thing.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I could read the series over and over (actually have a few times). I own all on my Kindle and reread when I am waiting for various authors to finish their next.

What's Your Story: Barbara


Please share some of your background:
WGA Screenwriter Talent Agent.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 

Which book is your favorite?
Protect And Defend.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch is my favorite, but Anna is next. The entire way their lives entwined, where I expected cliche, I was moved deeply by her reality, but also each of their perceptions and shared moments.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Mitch’s dog. Nobody would get between us.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
Thank you, God, for Kyle. I was having a rough go of it, and I was on the road a lot. I don't get lonely, I mean, I just don't experience that, but especially when I'm reading Rapp. I just love the guy. I tell everyone about my favorites; God, Reacher and Rapp.

What's Your Story: Grace


Please share some of your background:
Originally, I am from China, but at two years old, my two wonderful adoptive parents brought me to live with them in rural Vermont. I have also an older adoptive brother, Morgan, who no longer lives at home and attends college in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In August of 2019, I am going to be a high school sophomore. I work as ski instructor at a Vermont ski resort and as an intern for local non-profit. Hopefully, after college, I can serve my country as well Mitch Rapp.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
Most teenage girls occupy their time with their faces in their phones, shopping, or looking in the mirror. If they do happen to read, I wouldn't guess many of them are not reading about an undercover CIA operative who kills terrorists and the like for a living. I started the Mitch Rapp Saga in the beginning of eighth grade. My first Flynn book was American Assassin. After the first page, I knew I was hooked. I couldn't let Mitch Rapp go. Between reading A Midsummer's Night Dream and The Odyssey for school, there wasn't a thought in mind that wasn't about Mitch Rapp. Although I can't say I can relate to Rapp's story, he has served as steadfast companion to my high school experience and will remain at my side for the years to come.

Which book is your favorite/why?
Honestly, I can't confirm a favorite out of all the saga, and I don't want to prematurely declare one either. I am only halfway through the series and I'm currently waiting for Protect And Defend to arrive in the mail. From American Assassin to Act Of Treason, Transfer Of Power is at the top of my list of favorites. The constant action and endless plot twists made for an emotional roller coaster in the best way possible. As a teenage girl, I can confirm its status as an emotional roller coaster with confidence. I loved every page down to acknowledgements and the copyright!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch Rapp and Irene Kennedy tie for the position of favorite character. In regards to Mitch, I admire his no nonsense attitude and drive to serve America. Patriotism never goes out of style and he knows it. He has an enviable passion that never tires. His adventures and his patriotism never get old. As for Irene Kennedy, she's everything I hope I can be as a woman. She's intelligent and there's never a situation that she doesn't handle with tact and class. Irene is extraordinarily patient, especially with Rapp and all the Washington D.C politicians. Additionally, not only does she direct the CIA effectively and efficiently, she parents her son single-handedly with her best effort. Parenting, from what I can tell, is no easy task and I'm positive that doing it alone doesn't make it any easier. Considering all their strengths, Mitch and Irene are characters that never cease to amaze me.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Despite how I admire and love Mitch Rapp and Irene Kennedy, I could never handle their responsibilities as well as they do. However, if I were ever to enter the Rapp world, I would love to be Cindy Brooks, Rapp's colleague in Act Of Treason. Brooks tagged along with Rapp and she had the opportunity to see him in his element. With that said, there's not a doubt in my mind that working with Mitch would be anything short of exhilarating and exciting.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
Thank you for all the amazing books! I can't wait to fill my future college dorm with the rest of the Mitch Rapp Saga!

What's Your Story: Desiree


Please share some of your background:
I am 83-years old and a rabid (yes, rabid) Mitch Rapp fan. I am a University Michigan graduate and have had careers in the newspaper and, the music industry. For 16 years before I retired I had a career in public affairs and fundraising. I live in Florida (after 15 years in Texas). When I lived in Texas I started a Vince Flynn online fan group and also was privileged to meet Vince, an incredible person. In my retirement I am a multi-published romance author

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
In 1999 when I found a copy of Term Limits (a non-Mitch Rapp story) at a bookstore. I was hooked, and have read every Mitch Rapp book since then, most of them multiple times. They just get better each time.

Which book is your favorite/why?
Executive Power, because it was a turning point in Mitch's story and set the stage for future plots. And because it is still as timely today.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Irene Kennedy, because she has the brains and backbone to do her job can do the political dance when she has. All that, on top of being a mother.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Irene Kennedy, because she is my ideal mage of a woman in her position.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
Yes. Kyle, you are doing a masterful job carrying on with the series, maintaining Vince's style and never losing the overarching thread of all the stories.

What's Your Story: Nikhil


Please share some of your background:
I am a copper manufacturer from India. I am a graduate in Physics and second generation in the family business.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I started reading Mitch Rapp in 2013. Back in college, I was a big Robert Ludlum fan. Later on I picked up the Covert-One series and loved it. After finishing the series, I wanted to read something similar and the internet search came up with Vince Flynn and was I blown away. Finished all of the books in 3 weeks. And now whenever I pick up any other author, I just can't read beyond 10-15 pages.

Which book is your favorite/why?
My favorite is Protect and Defend. Why? Because it won't allow you to put it down. I finished it in one go. It is brilliant.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
My favorite is Thomas Stansfield. Stansfield’s cool persona and his famous words "If you need a pad & a pencil to remember, you're in the wrong business" are such a rarity today.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Thomas Stansfield. His use of grey matter is as thrilling as Mitch's courage.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I would like to thank Vince for his beautiful writing style. It may be laughable but characters like Stansfield and Kennedy really teach you a lot. I certainly have learned to keep cool, not show emotions in board meetings, observe people and make mental notes (no pad & pencil).

What's Your Story: Erik


Please share some of your background:
I am an athletic director at a high school in NYC, working with inner city kids. I spent time in Minnesota, attending Bemidji State University, playing college football and working on my degree. My career has taken me all over the U.S., working with outstanding young minds.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
2007. My best friend, also a Minnesota guy, recommended the series to me and i have reread each book since.

Which book is your favorite/why?
The Last Man. Rapp looks back at his past and what could have been in his future with Anna and their new house in DC. He also has a laser focus while hunting down the terrorists.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Scott Coleman, tough, loyal, ultimate team guy.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
It's got to be Rapp, he is a man of few words, and always delivers in the clutch.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
Thank you for this site, and thank you to Kyle Mills for carrying on the series, in a difficult situation - following the legend, Mr. Flynn.

What's Your Story: Alex


Please share some of your background:
Born in Minneapolis, MN and raised in the upper Midwest. I spent 6 years in the US Army Infantry serving in a myriad of Infantry roles from rifleman to designated marksman, machine gunner and team leader. I ended my career as a weapons and tactics instructor, preparing an Infantry company for deployment. I have a BA degree in Intelligence Studies, am a licensed police officer and am currently a DoD security contractor in Afghanistan.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I discovered Vince Flynn books in the library on Camp Taqaddum, Iraq. From there I was HOOKED.

Which book is your favorite/why?
All of them? If I had to pick one it would be American Assassin. I like seeing more into Mitch's background, what makes him tick and the experiences in both his personal life and his training that made him who he is in the present-day books.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Besides Mitch Rapp, it would probably have to be Stan Hurley. I like his cold, all business outlook. He obviously cares for Mitch, in a unique way and that is why he is so hard on him in training.

Who do you envision when you read of Mitch?
I don't really put a face on Mitch at all. It changes, for a page or two he may look like a dark-haired Matt Damon a la Jason Bourne, for the rest of the book he may look like any random, very fit, guy.

What's Your Story: Robert


Please share some of your background:
Retired U.S. Army, Master Sergeant and author, The History of a Journeyman Poet. 2nd check from publisher, $1.00. Lived in Germany as a kid, the Army, Saudi, etc.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I started reading Vince from the free books at the VA Hospital a few years ago. Lost a lot of sleep.

Which book is your favorite/why?
The Last Man. I talked to an acquaintance in the FBI, currently assigned to Counter Terrorism. He told me that your books have the right feel, "Weltanschaung", for those whose stories cannot be not told.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch Rapp. I want to be Rapp when I grow up.

Who do you envision when you read of Mitch?
A good man, dealing successfully with PTSD. A man of honor, when he kills it isn't murder. Someone who has a great deal of sensitivity, the sensitivity of a hunter almost knowing where the game is before there are any clues.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Does Mrs. Kennedy have anyone to pick up her clothes from the dry cleaner?

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
Don't start reading a Mitch Rapp book at night if you need to be alert in the morning.

What's Your Story: Phil


Please share some of your background:
Born in Birmingham, AL in 1947. Graduated from high school and decided to go to a tech school instead of college. Graduated from tech school at the top of my class and went to work for Texas Instruments in Dallas, TX. Worked on military programs for 27 years. Transferred to the Temple, Texas facility in 1995 where they built laptops and printers. That business unit was sold to Acer America Corp. (laptops) and Genicom Corp. (printers) in 1997. I transitioned to Acer. Acer downsized in 2000 and I worked in several different jobs until I retired in 2011. Lost my wife of 42 years in 2012. Started dating a lady from Georgetown, TX and found my first Vince Flynn novel in The Georgetown Library. That was Term Limits. Read that and picked up American Assassin next. Found the website ans started reading the rest of the books in chronological order until I had read them all. Since then I have acquired and read them all, through Red War. Now I'm waiting for the next one with baited breath! Write faster, Kyle!

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
In 2012 after my wife died.

Which book is your favorite/why?
That's a toss-up between Memorial Day and The Last Man, with Enemy Of The State a close third. The first two just seemed to be non-stop edge-of-your-seat action and suspense. Enemy Of The State was good on those counts as well, but not quite as gripping.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Scott Coleman. He's a Seal, after all. So, it goes without saying that he is a bad ass, but he's just a bit less reckless as Mitch, but just as gung-ho. Sorta like the person you would expect Mitch's older brother to be, if he had one.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Without a doubt, Scott Coleman. I have nothing but admiration and very deep respect for the Seals, plus my dad was Navy in WWII as well as my father-in-law and I respected them deeply.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
I sure miss Vince. I suffer with prostate issues like him, but there is no cancer, thank God. I lost my wife unexpectedly to cancer and nobody should have to suffer that kind of death. Kyle, keep up the good work, I gotta have my Mitch Rapp fix!

I've read the entire series, from Term Limits to Red war at least four times (only twice for Red War, but I haven't had time to read it again). I guess that will be the next read unless the new book comes out before I can get started.

What's Your Story: Trev Holst


Please share some of your background:
DHS Federal Officer and former Director of Operations for DOD contractor.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
While living in Minnesota when his books made the bookstore shelves. Met Vince at a couple of book signings. I told him to keep writing and he said keep reading. Told him if he needed a name for a character...mine was available.

Which book is your favorite/why?
All of them!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch Rapp ...he takes care of business.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Anyone ...as long as my character is a friend of Mitch.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
It was an honor to meet Vince Flynn. I have purchased all the books and shared them with our troops overseas. My neighbors enjoyed his books also.

What's Your Story: Jon


Please share some of your background:
I'm a self-employed business owner. I run a college hockey fan site and have a personal blog that I started to be able to share my favorite books, movies, and things that happen in pop culture.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I first read a Mitch Rapp novel in 2006, on a business trip to Scottsdale, AZ. The book was Memorial Day and I absolutely loved it!

Which book is your favorite/why?
My favorite novel is Transfer Of Power. It was the first Rapp thriller, and the concept was terrific. it's a very influential thriller novel and I've read it multiple times.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
I'm gonna have to go with Mitch. He's just such a badass. Various authors have tried to create characters like Rapp, but there's no substitute for the original.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Stan Hurley. Mainly because I wish I could be that rough, tough and crotchety.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
My mom loved reading the Rapp novels. She died in 2013, and it was cool to have that connection with her. My wife Bridget also loves the novels... it's one of a handful of authors we both enjoy reading together.

What's Your Story: Don


Please share some of your background:
I'm 48 and an adventure sports enthusiast. I've been in information technology for most of my career but prefer to define myself as an adventure traveler, awesome dad to my 13 year old son, and loving husband to my super cool wife, Patricia

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I've actually never read a Mitch Rapp book - rather I've listened to all of them (unabridged) via Audiobook. Part of the reason is the reader, George Guidall, who adds so much to the overall experience. Second is because it gives me something to do while trail running, travelling to my next adventure. I first discovered the series in 2009 at the recommendation of a co-worker.

Which book is your favorite/why?
American Assassin is by far my favorite.  They're all great in their own way, but I think American Assassin is by far the best written.  I've read that Vince put a lot of time into this book.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Probably Scott Coleman - but of course I secretly want to be Mitch Rapp. If Mitch is "the tip of the spear" - Scott is definitely the shaft of that spear.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Hate to sound cliche, but definitely Mitch. He's my alter-ego.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
I got to meet Kyle Mills at a coffee shop in Jackson Hole last year. We talked for an hour and he's not only a great guy but also very interested in the opinions of his readers.

What's Your Story: Don


Please share some of your background:
I’m a finance major, retired from being a hospital executive. Married with 3 sons and one daughter. 10 grandkids! A USAF SERE Instructor during the Vietnam conflict.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
Around 2010.

Which book is your favorite/why?
Every book I read is my best and now it’s Red War because I can actually envision its plot in the world now!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
I like Mitch because he kicks ass and takes no names,

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Irene Kennedy. I can see myself in her role because I like politics and especially the role that behind the scenes/Black Op’s play in our world.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
Keep writing and I’ll keep reading. Thanks for Mitch Rapp!

What's Your Story: Donna


Please share some of your background:
I'm the proud recipient of the Points of Light Award provided by President George H.W. Bush. My story of food insecurities was told to every member of Congress by Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn). I'm an 18 year unpaid volunteer with 13 nonprofits as well as a homemaker and proud minister of hospitality. Mitch Rapp has taught me that,"Failure is not an option."

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
My first book was an ARC of Red War as a Mitch Rap Ambassador. I've just completed reading the entire series with an instant appreciation for them all.

Which book is your favorite/why?
As for my favorite well you can't possibly pick just one! If I had to pick a few favorites as the daughter of a Navy Veteran who served in the Cold War I'd say The Survivor and Enemy of the State.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch Rapp is so bad yet so good. Beyond Mitch I enjoy Claudia and Louise Gould as they deal with that narcissistic and sociopathic side that I've come to unfortunately know all too well.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
I'd of course love to have the courage, strength, and perseverance that Mitch Rapp possesses. The ability to overcome all odds. That would be awesome these days.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
I'm just so blessed and honored to be chosen as a Mitch Rapp Ambassador. I'm a newbie and never felt under pressure to have read every novel by the fans. They welcomed me in and allowed me to be myself and for that I'm grateful to them. I cannot wait to read more of these wonderful Mitch Rapp Novels.

What's Your Story: Frank


Please share some of your background:
Retired high school math teacher.

I spend summers reading and golfing in Pennsylvania and winters reading and golfing In Texas.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I purchased Vince’s first ten books on eBay in the early 2000– and then purchased all of them when they came out.

I now have them all on my kindle and have read them all 5 times — can’t wait to read Kyle’s latest .

Which book is your favorite/why?
Transfer Of Power. I do like them all.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch of course.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Mitch — he finishes the job.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
I’m seeing the corruption in our government. As it’s been laid out in these books. We need Term Limits.

What's Your Story: Mike


Please share some of your background:
Born in Buffalo, NY and then spent a majority for my life growing up in Southern Florida. My career as an actor then brought me to Los Angeles for the past seven years where you might see me popping up some of your favorite TV shows.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? I discovered Mitch Rapp when I read about American Assassin being turned into a film. I read the synopsis on a film website and went right to my local Barnes and Noble and bought it. Read the whole book in a couple days and I was hooked.

Which book is your favorite/why?
I love the prequel books, American Assassin and Kill Shot, best. I'm hopeful that Kyle Mills will pick up where Vince left off and finish the prequel trilogy. Of the current timeline books, my favorite so far is Consent to Kill. The humanizing of Rapp is what it so fantastic to me. 

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
There are of course the obvious of Rapp, Hurley and Kennedy. For me, a character that was minor, but I would love to see a whole book on because I think there is a great story there is Secret Service Agent Matt Nash and Special Agent Rivera. The events leading up to their appearance in Acts of Treason is a story I'd love to read.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Well of course, Rapp. To have his skills, fearlessness and moral compass...he's a person that can always be the man you can count on. Great qualities that a man can aspire to.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
I was Vince Flynn, Kyle Mills and Mitch Rapp that lit a fire in me for reading that I had long since forgot I had. In the time since I discovered American Assassin, I went on to read all the Rapp novels, moved on to Reacher and then Harvath...finishing all of Child's and Thor's bibliographies too. Since then I have challenged myself this to read 52 books (one a week) this year. 

My love for Rapp and these other great fictional characters has ignited my imagination to create and develop a character with whom I am now in the process of developing into my first novel...so, thank you Mr. Flynn and Mr. Mills.

What's Your Story: Bryan


Please share some of your background:
I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA. The first 26 years of my career were spent in the restaurant business in roles from Sous Chef to Executive Chef to General Manager. I did not really get into reading books until about 5 years ago. I saw the movie Lincoln Lawyer, then read the book, then I was hooked. I soon discovered Vince Flynn and Mitch Rapp and proceeded to read every book in the series. The suspense, action and drama, coupled with the characters and their development make for books that, once I start reading, I have to FORCE myself to put down so I can go to sleep. I have spent many days feeling like a zombie because of staying up too late reading!

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 

Which book is your favorite/why?
American Assassin. Since it was the first, it opened up an amazing world of action, adventure and suspense!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
I can't choose between Mitch and Stan. So it has to be both of them.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Stan Hurley - he is a BAD ASS!!!

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  
I am amazed at how seamlessly this series has transitioned from Vince to Kyle. I am sure everyone was scared that something may be lost once Vince passed. But those fears proved to be unfounded!!