Fan Profiles —

What's Your Story: Kashif


Please share some of your background: I originally came to Dubai, UAE from Pakistan and now I study in Arlington, Texas. I am an only child and I am an avid fan of political and action thriller genre in both novels and movies. I am a tactical nut, paying special attention to and appreciating the details of the weaponry and tactics used in a novel or a movie, a skill instilled in me by my Father who served in the Navy. I spend most of my time reading political intrigue/action filled novels like the Mitch Rapp series, which is truly my favorite one. My parents and loved ones support my love for reading, which is more of a passion than a hobby that began with my reading of American Assassin. It was the first novel that rejuvenated my passion for reading and it hasn't declined since then. I am now a proud Mitch Rapp Ambassador, with the sole mission of presenting the legend of Mitch Rapp to the entire world.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? I started reading Mitch Rapp when I saw an online news page, announcing the casting and synopsis of American Assassin movie adaption. I was fascinated by the plot and I looked up the Mitch Rapp series which immediately hooked me in from the first sight of the American Assassin book cover, which conveyed a sense of political grittiness coupled with high octane action and I was not wrong. I purchased my copy of American Assassin that very day from the bookstore in Dubai and from that moment on, it was one Mitch Rapp novel after another without any breaks or obstacles. Mitch Rapp became my life essentially. American Assassin is a novel I never get tired of reading, as I have read it more than three times.

Which book is your favorite/why? My favorite book of all time would be a tie between Consent to Kill by Vince Flynn and Order to Kill by Kyle Mills. Both are Mitch Rapp novels written by two brilliant writers and both have a very special place in my heart, even though every single Mitch Rapp novel has a special place in my favorite list above all others. Consent to Kill was not the most action packed Mitch Rapp novel but it showed my icon in a new vulnerable light and a side of him that the bad guys rightfully fear. I admire that side of Mitch Rapp. The feral nature of Rapp at the end of the novel was the highlight. As for Order to Kill, it was fast paced with Mitch Rapp as a beautiful beast, one that the world needs now more than ever. I can't deny myself the pleasure of Mitch Rapp shooting his way in spectacular fashion with utmost realism.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  My favorite character is and always will be Mitch Rapp hands down. He is a man with strong moral principles that do not always insist on following the rules if the rules impede the victory of the good guys. I appreciate the darkness within him, brought on by the loss of his loved ones, but furthermore I appreciate his dedication to his missions and pushing ahead despite all the obstacles in his path. He is always willing to put his life on the risk for the greater good, and it doesn't hurt that he is a brilliant gun fighter with all the necessary skills to take down the baddest of his opponents.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why? If I had the opportunity to be any character, I would choose to be Mitch Rapp. I understand it comes with an unbearable amount of personal loss and darkness, but I have always wanted to explore Mitch's life. Not only is he a certifiable fighter which would quench my thirst for adrenaline filled activities, but it would also get me front row seat to a day in the life of Mitch Rapp, someone I admire and relate to more than anyone else. Mitch Rapp is about as real to me as my own family is.  

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?  I was very concerned when I read that Kyle Mills had taken over the reins of Vince Flynn after his untimely and upsetting death. Even though The Survivor by Kyle Mills was already out, I was still on Mr. Flynn's novels. But my fear was misplaced as Mr. Mills took the bull by the horns and wrote one of the best Mitch Rapp novels.  It did not even feel like Mr. Flynn had left us, his work clearly echoing in Mr Mills' writing with his own panache in it. I owe a great load of gratitude to Mr. Mills for doing a tremendous job and I will always be looking forward to more and more Mitch Rapp. 


What's Your Story: Judy


Please share some of your background: I am retired and live in a little town in Utah.  I was born and raised in the Marine Corps and my husband spent 21 years in the Marine Corps so I am about as patriotic as you can get.  Many times, I wish our country had a Mitch Rapp.  We sure could use one in this day and age.  

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? My first book was Transfer Of Power.  I have read all of the Mitch Rapp books several times. In fact, I am half way through reading them again.

Which book is your favorite/why? My first book was Transfer Of Power so that will always be a favorite.  Then American Assassin because it starts it with Mitch becoming a part of the Orion Team.  I guess those will probably always be my favorite’s because they got Mitch and I started.

Do you have a favorite character and why?  Mitch, of course.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why? That would be Irene Kennedy.  She is a classy lady but one who is not afraid to do what is right and get the job done.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle? I miss Vince but thank goodness Kyle came along.  I must admit, I was worried when the first book came out but Kyle did a great job of continuing Mitch Rapp.  I am so grateful that my favorite spy will be with us, I hope, for many years to come.


What's Your Story: Chris


When did you start reading Mitch Rapp?
I learned about Vince Flynn and his amazing character Mitch Rapp while serving on a SSBN (submarine). I was looking for books to take underway with me to keep myself busy while deployed and a buddy of mine recommended a few books, especially Vince's. I took him up on an offer and I have been hooked ever since.

Which books is your favorite/why?
My favorite (while hard to pick, they are all great) has to be Transfer of Power or Term Limits. Transfer of Power is a book that allows you to understand the emotion and feelings because it's an attack on the United States. Everyone knows the White House and what it stands for and an attack on the President himself and a national monument hits home. Term Limits lacks Rapp, but gives you a sense of what might really be happening behind the scenes and makes you really think.

Do you have a favorite character and why?
Obviously for reasons that don't need to be said, Mitch Rapp is my favorite. I love that he his a severely dedicated person that wants nothing to preserve  what this country has fought for. He is the epitome of a real American hero and nothing can make me think otherwise. His path has taken him everywhere, cost him everything (Anna) and we've seen a real growth from the kid from Syracuse to the more modern books.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
I would want to be Mike Nash. I would love to be able to serve with someone so dedicated and brilliant at their craft. I have no problem being the sidekick to help solving some of the world's worst problems.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
These books helped me deal with a lot. While deployed on a submarine, your mind tends to wonder about what is going on in real life while you're submerged hundreds of feet underwater. I started dealing with a little bit of depression and anxiety and these were the key to allowing me to escape the monotony of daily life deployed and relax.


What's Your Story: Derek Luedtke


When did you start reading Mitch Rapp?
I started reading Vince when Term Limits was published, so I started reading Mitch when Transfer of Power was published

Which books is your favorite/why?
Transfer of Power (introduced Mitch), American Assassin (showed how it all began) and Term Limits (because it was the first I read and it is a REALLY good book).

Do you have a favorite character and why?
Mitch, no explanation necessary.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
That would be Stan Hurley

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
Even though Vince is gone, he will never be forgotten.  He set the bar that few have been able to reach.  I think that Kyle Mills has done an incredible job in continuing the series.  He has really found Vince's voice and I will keep reading them as long as he keeps writing them.


What's Your Story: Emily Fournier


Please share some of your background
I am a senior in high school studying criminal justice. Homicides are of particular interest to me and I aspire to work for the FBI one day.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp?
I first learned of the Mitch Rapp series after hearing news that my favorite actor, Dylan O'Brien, was cast as Mitch. I did some digging and thought the series was rather interesting. I first started reading in September 2016 after receiving a copy of American Assassin from Twitter. Winning that book was my first step into the Mitch Rapp universe.

Which books is your favorite/why?
American Assassin is my favorite because it's the origin story. There's nothing like the journey I went on as Mitch discovered himself.

Do you have a favorite character and why?
Mitch Rapp is without a doubt my favorite character. There's just something about the character that I find so intriguing. While his job may be rather gruesome, for some reason it actually sounds interesting to me. In fact, Mitch Rapp inspired me to consider the CIA as a future career, oddly enough.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
As much as I would love to be Mitch because of his power, I would also like to be Irene Kennedy. Irene is a powerful woman and I love strong female characters that I can look up to.


What's Your Story: David Dobiasek


Please share some of your background
I'm an Aussie from the city of Melbourne Victoria. I work in retail. I love movies, reading, rock music as well as seeing friends. And also I'm a proud honourary uncle.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp?
I started reading back in 2003 when I picked up Transfer Of Power and The Third Option. Since then I've been hooked.

Which books is your favorite/why?
That's a tough one. But for me it would be Transfer Of Power as well Consent To Kill. But they're all great.

Do you have a favorite character and why?
Besides Mitch it would probably be Scott Coleman. He was so awesome in Term Limits.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Definitely Mitch Rapp. He's skillful, brave, confident and does what it takes to get the job done. I also admire his fashion sense.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I miss Vince. I wish he was still with us. But I'm glad Kyle Mills is continuing the series and doing such a great job. I hope the movie series continues.


What's Your Story: Slaven Tomasi


Please share some of your background
Former Marine and current Respiratory Care Practitioner.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp?
Started by finding a random book in a bin at an airport on my way to Afghanistan. The book was Extreme Measures and it sat in my bag for a few weeks until I needed something other than working out and sleep during my down time. I quickly read that book and then had to wait a horrible few weeks until my unit convoyed to a larger base from the small, middle of nowhere place we were at and was able to get some agonizing slow wi-fi and download all the current books in the series at the time. Did some research and read them first in publishing order, then again in chronological order.

Which books is your favorite/why?
Oh man. I can’t pick one. I’ll try and do my best and most my top 3, in no particular order. American Assassin, Consent to kill, and Order to Kill.

Do you have a favorite character and why?
Is this a serious question? Ok Besides Mitch Rapp, I love and miss Stan Hurley.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Again, Mitch. The world needs more people like Mitch defending this great country. I did my best as a Marine. But in today’s crazy world, I wish I could have done more.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I’ve had an amazing opportunity to meet Kyle, he is such a great guy and look forward to seeing him again if I get the opportunity.


What's Your Story: Barbara K.


I am a wife of 48 years to the best mam I know! We have six children, three girls and three boys, and six grandchildren, three girls and three boys. I read many books and I have a few authors that I love to read and I read their books over and over again.

When did you start reading Vince?
I am not sure exactly when, but I downloaded the first book on iTunes and I could not get enough of Vince's Books! We will miss him very much!  

Do you have a favorite book?
How can you pick just one book? I love every one of them! And I will keep reading them over and over. 

Who is your favorite character?
I love Mitch Rapp, and also like Irene Kennedy.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
A very strong and handsome man who has been through a lot just too keep the people in the world safe from people who are trying to do great harm to good people. 

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
I think I would like to be one of Mitch's friend.  Someoe he can talk to and know whatever he said will be keept between the two of us.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Just that Vince was taken way too soon from his family and readers.


What's Your Story: Jen S.


***SPOLIER ALERT***  If you have not read Consent To Kill there are spoilers in this profile.

I am a Pre-K Special Education Itinerant teacher.

When did you start reading Vince?
Last year. I kept hearing about Vince Flynn from listening to Rush Limbaugh . He said that Mr. Flynn encouraged him to write the "Rush Revere" stories. Mitch Rapp sounded like a really interesting guy, so I had the chance to read one of the books for free (Transfer of Power). I was hooked and had to start from the beginning (because I'm just compulsive that way). It took me three months to read all of the books, but when I finished, I felt a letdown, like I don't want this to end!!!

Do you have a favorite book?
Honestly, I like them all, but if I have a favorite, it's The Survivor.  I like The Survivor because there was a glimmer of hope that Mitch would move on from the death of Anna, that he would try not to become the next Stan Hurley.

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch is my favorite character. He's tough, strong and takes no prisoners. He's brave. At the same time, he's got a tender, sensitive side that he doesn't show the world.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
I can't think of anyone in particular (probably because I don't like or know too many actors today who could do this part well, though we'll see who they cast in "American Assassin.) I see someone very tall, very dark, tough, strong and intelligent.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Irene Kennedy. She's intelligent, attractive and poised. I have a feeling the average person never knows what she's thinking. She plays "close to the vest."

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Just that I enjoy them and can't wait for the next one.


What's Your Story: Jeff Harris

I am a former Marine and Retired Army Sergeant First Class. I also worked as a Protective Security Specialist with Academi (Blackwater) and am currently on the standby list for SOC LLC, while pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Counterintelligence studies.

When did you start reading Vince?
I started reading from Term Limits.

Do you have a favorite book?
I am Still working on the series.

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch Rapp, makes the story/series intriguing.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
A melting pot of many comrades and friends.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Mitch Rapp, for his struggles and challenges.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
I thank Vince for creating Mitch, a modern American version of James Bond.


What's Your Story: Bill

I am the World's Most Traveled Man. Google it. I hold the record of visiting the most UNESCO sites. 

When did you start reading Vince?
With the first book.

Do you have a favorite book?
Actually, I like the latest, The Survivor.

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch Rapp.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
Drew Brees

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Mitch Rapp.


What's Your Story: James


I am the director of football development and team chaplain at Duke University.

When did you start reading Vince?

Do you have a favorite book?

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch Rapp because he reminds me of a great linebacker.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
It's more of what, like a great football game with no rules.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Stan Hurley, because he has a unique way of mentoring in his own awkward way.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
Keep writing and I will keep reading.


What's Your Story: Richard

I spent 36 years working for the DoD.  My last position was working for a 4-star admiral.  I'm sure there are some real life Mitch Rapp's out there.  Think I met a couple.  

When did you start reading Vince?
I heard a radio talk show host (Neal Borts) talking about the books.  So, started reading somewhere around 2005.   Hooked from the first book I read.

Do you have a favorite book?
Memorial Day is my favorite book, but have loved all of them. 

Who is your favorite character?
Irene Kennedy.   But Mitch is also a favorite.  

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
I picture Mitch Rapp looking like the former NFL football player Tim Tebow. 

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Scott Coleman. Former Navy Seal.  

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
Some of the Vince Flynn characters strike an uncanny resemblance to real-life people I knew and met in my DoD career.  I'm sure Vince interviewed some of the real-life people and patterned his characters after them Scott Coleman is a lot like a real life guy with the first name of Eric.   


What's Your Story: Cheryl W.


I am a Political Science/U.S. History junkie, when I read Vince's books it seems like going to a psychic, he has had so many insights for America to consider and learn from. As a military spouse of 42 years, I have seen how dedicated our people in the services are. Yes, I've read and retread all his books. I am SO sad at his death, but who knows maybe he is out there helping our Special Forces now, with his great love for America.

When did you start reading Vince?
1999, when my husband was serving in Bosnia.

Do you have a favorite book?
Term Limits, because it mirrors reality in Washington, DC and the corrupt atmosphere that good people have to deal with. 

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch is my favorite character of course, because he is always one step ahead of his enemies' game.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
Kiefer Sutherland or Ben Affleck.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
I would like to be his mother!

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
After all my years dealing w the armed forces, I know Vince had a huge impact on our national security, both by his books and as an help to our Special Forces and CIA. THANK YOU VINCE FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT TOO!!!


What's Your Story: Oswaldo R.

My name is Oswaldo and I am an avid reader and book collector. I also have an online used book selling business that is doing amazingly well. I work full-time in the security business. My love for reading and collecting good thrillers has led me to amass a book collection in hardcover of only the best writers in the world. Mr. Vince Flynn was one of those writers. I have his entire Mitch Rapp series in hardcover,which I keep in pristine condition, proudly displayed on my main bookshelf in my personal library at home.

When did you start reading Vince?
I started reading Vince Flynn's novels in 2000. 

Do you have a favorite book?
My favorite Vince Flynn book is Transfer Of Power (I love all of his books).

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch Rapp is my favorite character. Why? Because he kicks butt and his style of taking care of the bad guys is like no other. 

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
I envision Gerard Butler when I read the Vince Flynn novels, because I think he would be perfect for the movie role of Mitch Rapp. 

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
I would like to be Mike Nash and be a friend of Mitch Rapp. 

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
I  truly believe that we were all very privileged and lucky to have had the opportunity to have been able to enjoy such a great series like the Mitch Rapp series and were even more luckier to have had  Vince Flynn as a writer. He truly was one of the best writers in America. He will forever be loved and missed by us, his fans. 


What's Your Story: Michael Ian Black


Michael Ian Black is a writer, comedian, and actor who currently appears on Another Period, The Jim Gaffigan Show, and Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp. He just released a new book titled Navel Gazing: True Tales of Bodies, Mostly Mine (but also my mom’s, which I know sounds weird).

When did you start reading Vince?
I’m not sure. I may have picked up a book in the airport in 2010 or 2011. Despite the fact that I am a comedian by trade, I love to read international thrillers, spy books, assassin books, and books about geopolitical mayhem. Perhaps I secretly fancy myself a secret action hero. 

Do you have a favorite book?
My favorite is probably Separation of Power, if only because I think it’s the first one I read. I loved the whole Mitch Rapp universe, and as soon as I read my first, I started seeking out the others and devouring them. I think I read them all within six months. 

Who is your favorite character?
The obvious answer is Mitch, but I’m going to go with Irene Kennedy because I love strong, powerful women - probably the same reason Judi Dench is my favorite Q in the James Bond series. I also love that she’s always got Mitch’s back; everybody wants that kind of loyalty in their lives, be it professional or personal. 

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
First choice is obviously going to be me. I think I can do it, despite the fact that I am 44, out of shape, and, at best, a weakling. Nor can I describe myself as a “world-class triathlete.” But I’ve got a winning attitude. If not me, how about Channing Tatum? He’d be great. But only if I can be in it, too. I’m not going to just hand over the part to Channing and not get anything out of it for myself. 

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Honestly, I’d probably one of the nameless nerds at the CIA behind the computer screen who says things like, “I’ve almost cracked the encryption,” or maybe a second-in-command terrorist. Not the main terrorist, but one of the guys who gets killed right before the main guy. I think I’d make a good second-in-command terrorist.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
Just that I’m thrilled Mitch Rapp lives and will continue to read the world Vince created for as long as there are more books to read. 


What's Your Story: Joe Murray


I am a 35 year old detective and have been with the Philadelphia Police Department for over 15 years. An avid reader and a terrible golfer.

When did you start reading Vince?
I started reading Term Limits and was hooked. As a cop in a big city, politics and bureaucracy really resonated with me. I was hooked from the first page.

Do you have a favorite book?
I think Transfer of Power is my favorite because it set the tone for who Mitch Rapp is. When the rape almost happened I was begging for him to act and when he did, it established his character in a big way.

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch Rapp obviously but Kennedy is another favorite. She is fiercely intelligent and has integrity.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
I envision my own amalgamation of different people. He is one-of-a-kind so to put an actor to his character isn't fair because no one is cool enough.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Come on...Mitch Rapp. I would not want to be Kennedy because I could not in good conscience send a friend into dangerous situations knowing they could die. I'd much rather shoulder the burden myself.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
I enjoy writing and wrote my own detective/crime novel. One thing that always resonated with me was when Vince talked about shopping Term Limits and getting rejected over and over again. His resilience made me like him before I even read his books. To know he fought for his work showed me he believed in it and therefore, I believed in it. I am looking forward to Kyle Mills picking up the franchise and moving it forward. He has the same confidence as Vince and he respects the series and its fans.


What's Your Story: Parth Josi

I am a 25-year old student studying masters in Computer Science. I am addicted to reading. I especially love to read spy and assassin novels. I love music and travelling.

When did you start reading Vince?
I started reading Vince about 2 month agos with American Assassin. And I fell in love with it. Writing, story, character, high action. All in one. After that, I couldn't stop reading and in just these two month I have already read 7 and now on to next.

Do you have a favorite book?
Kill Shot.  "There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded Mitch Rapp."

Who is your favorite character?
Definitely Mitch - The "Iron Man!" Highly Skilled, deadly assassin. What can be better than seeing terrorist afraid of him.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
I can almost envision every character, but when it comes to Mitch I have find it very tough to envision any actor. The character is so well written that it is very tough to envision someone playing Mitch Rapp.

If you could be any character in the Mitch Rapp series, who would it be and why?
Marcus Dumond. Marcus likes to toy with computers. As a tech geek, so do I.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
After reading what I thought was the last book in Mitch Rapp series I was very sad. Vince had created the best action-packed novels and I thought there would be no more Mitch Rapp action. But when I found out that Kyle Mills will continue Vince's legacy, I was on cloud nine.  Mitch Rapp is back in action again, ohh I love it! 


What's Your Story: MIchael Williams


I am a retired US Army Sergeant Major.  I retired on June 14th, 2011, the Army's Birthday.  Since then, I have embarked on my second career where I am with the U.S. Government. I cannot really go into it very much.

When did you start reading Vince?
In 2011, I listened to the audio version of Protect and Defend.  I cannot get enough of the Mitch Rapp series.  I have now listened to all of them, except The Survivor, which I have pre-ordered. 

Do you have a favorite book?
American Assassin because it gives the "making" of America's top counter terrorism operative.

Who is your favorite character?
Other than Mitch Rapp, my favorite character is retired Navy Seal Scott Coleman because the way Mr. Flynn portrayed him is spot on and I can relate to Scott's background.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
If the movie is ever made, please don't get Tom Cruise to play Mitch Rapp.  I envision in Mitch's later years someone like Jason Statham, but in his younger years perhaps someone like Channing Tatum.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
I would be Stan Hurley because as an Army Sergeant Major, some of my training techniques were akin to Stan's.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
Its been two years since Mr. Flynn's passing and I still wish his family with much prayers and Godspeed.


What's Your Story: Robert Stevens



Retired football player, mentor, two-time self-published author. Truck and sports apparel company  owner. 

When did you start reading Vince?
I started to read Vince Flynn novels back in 2014.

Do you have a favorite book?
Being a truck driver I need something that would keep me stimulated while driving. I have purchased all of Vince's novel and listened to all of them more than four times each.  The one that stands out is  Consent to Kill. It's gritty and the way George Guidall portrays Mitch when he discovered Anna had been murdered nearly brought tears to my eyes.

Who is your favorite character?
Mitch of course and Irene. They reminded me of Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd from Moonlighting back in the 80's, but without the romance. They have that rapport and respect for one another and they protect each other as well.

Who do you envision when you read about Mitch Rapp? 
Again, Bruce Willis while he played as McClane. He gets shot at, stabbed,  punched and other body damaged but he keeps coming until the job is done. 

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Mitch, hands down. because the integrity the high morals he possessed in which I live with every day.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Vince and his novels?
I was truly heartbroken when Mr. Flynn passed away, he left us way too soon.
