What's Your Story: Richard — VinceFlynn.com

What's Your Story: Richard

Please share some of your background:
40 years in broadcasting. When younger I always wanted to be an FBI agent or work for the Secret Service. Life took some turns and tossed and I wound up with a different career.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
I was listening to an interview on the Don Imus show while heading into work one day and heard Vince Flynn talking about his recent book. That would have been around 2008. I went to Barnes and Noble later that week and bought the book.

Which book is your favorite?
That's a tough one but I guess I would have to say either The Last Man or Memorial Day. I love them all though.

Do you have a favorite character?
I like Irene Kennedy because she is tough like Mitch, but has to play a different game to get the results that she and Mitch need.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
I would like to think that I could be Mitch, because I am a " get it done" kind of guy, but I also like Hurley.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
I told my sister-in-law about Vince Flynn and she started reading the books. Now she and her son (who does work for the FBI) have read them all.
