What's Your Story: Joann — VinceFlynn.com

What's Your Story: Joann


Please share some of your background:
I have been an avid reader since my early teenage years. I’ve always loved the power that books hold. The stories can take us to distant places, recreating historical events, fantasizing about what the future may be like or exploring a make believe world. It’s a true talent that writers have to take us into their story and allow us to feel like we’re a part of it. After graduating high school I joined the workforce as an entry level clerk for a trash hauling company. I worked there for over 10 years and decided that I wanted a change. I attended a technical college at night for 2 years and earned my Associates Degree as a Paralegal. A couple years later I injured my neck in a freak accident. After 3 surgeries and many procedures I have a permanent disability.

When did you start reading Mitch Rapp? 
In 2008, I found Protect And Defend and once I read it, I went back to the beginning and read all the other books in order.

Which book is your favorite?
All of them!!

Do you have a favorite character and why?  
Mitch. He is so complicated and yet so simple. He is my husband in an alternate reality.

If you could be any character in Vince's novels, who would it be and why?
Irene Kennedy. She is so smart and gets to know all the secrets! She’s been trained by Thomas and is like a sister to Mitch. Best of all worlds.

Is there anything else you would like to share relating to Mitch Rapp, Vince or Kyle?
The world that Vince created has allowed me to tune out and forget about the chronic pain I experience on a daily basis. He’s gotten me through some painful procedures and has kept me company when I otherwise would have been alone. There are no words or actions that can thank Vince and Kyle for what they have done and continue to do.
