A Signed Book Winner Sends Thanks


“I started reading the Mitch Rapp Series around the time book 6 came out. It quickly became my favorite series of all time. I signed up to enter the free signed book and then promptly forgot about it. When I heard Vince had lost his battle I was devastated wondering what I was going to replace the series with. Then came the news that Kyle would be taking over the series. I was skeptical because who could match Vince and do Mitch the justice needed? I kept a mostly open mind and read the first book that Kyle finished and found I was still just as enthralled as ever. I was much more excited about the next book where Kyle would be flying solo. I’m so incredibly glad I kept on reading! This month I won a signed copy of Total Power and was almost in tears because I was so happy! I have a private library of over 2500 physical books and about 500 digital books. This signed copy will have pride of place in the best spot! Thank you so much Kyle for keeping Mitch alive and kicking! Over the last few books you have proven your dedication to preserving this series and I for one am incredibly grateful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for many hours of escape, enjoyment and terror!” - Kristin

A Note From Down Under


“Hi, I am an Australian police, security and military veteran now retired and living in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.  I have followed Mitch Rapp's adventures from book one and now have them all.  It's amazing how close they are to what has been happening and eagerly await more to read in retirement. Thanks Kyle!” - Kel Davey JP

A Fan With An Amazing Story Thanks Vince And Kyle For The Series


“I am sorry that I did not discover Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp series until 2016, but I am certainly glad that I did. Coming out of a coma in 2016, I had a voracious appetite for books and one of my nurses suggested his work. Totally awesome! But I was saddened to learn that Vince had passed away. I was happy however that Kyle Mills had signed on to continue the series, the hits just keep coming! I have all the books in the series and am waiting for my delivery of Total Power this coming week. I again found myself in 2 comas in 2018 and again, after surviving all I wanted to do was read. Amazon & Barnes & Noble love me ha ha. Keep up the great work Kyle, I signed up for the newsletter and checked out your website earlier and I now look forward to reading your other works. Stay healthy & safe during these trying times.” - Mike

A Longtime Fan Finds Total Power Terrifying


I recently completed Total Power. I have read every single Vince Flynn novel from the very beginning. The one before the recent one scared me a little, as it was about a deadly worldwide virus. Then it came true with Covid-19, although from China instead of Russia. The fact that the premise in Total Power actually would ever be a possibility in the USA is terrifying! I experienced great unease while reading this novel. However, if this scary scenario alerts people to the fact that our power grid could be vulnerable, then more "power" to the book.

Thank you for always making us think!

P.S. I love Mitch Rapp in a big way, but fantasize that Scott Coleman is my boyfriend!  (I'm 73 years old)

A Fan Shares A Family Connection With Vince

[photo: @bjaj1 on Twitter]

[photo: @bjaj1 on Twitter]

I was introduced to Mitch by a friend and immediately was hooked. Getting ready for Lethal Agent I read the series again. Then I got my sons hooked. They are enjoying them as much as I did.

My oldest son, also a fan, just completed his freshman year at University of St. Thomas. He was thrilled to find out he was living in the same dorm where Vince Flynn had lived. He later met a friend whose mom was friends with Vince. I included the picture.

I am so grateful that Kyle Mills has kept Mitch going!

Early Fan Reviews For Total Power

[photo: @bjaj1 on Twitter]

[photo: @bjaj1 on Twitter]

This month we are sharing some initial fan reviews of Total Power.

“Total Power is undoubtedly a top contender for the best action thriller of 2020.” - Kashif 

"With all the action and excitement we've come to expect of a Mitch Rapp novel, Kyle Mills brings his absolute best to Total Power.” - Todd 

“I could not put this one down and read the whole book the day I received it!” - Lovely Loveday  

“Without a doubt this is Mills best entry in the Rapp universe and it will keep you up at night thinking ‘What if’.” - Troy 

Read their entire reviews and more feedback from ARC readers

A Fan Remembers Her Dad And Vince On Father's Day


“My father loved to read and got me hooked on Mitch Rapp/Vince Flynn. I had the opportunity to meet Vince at a book signing in Cincinnati. I was so excited to meet him and to get my Dad his newest book. It was wonderful to hear him speak and to have a moment with him for an autograph and photo. I will never forget that day, and telling my Dad all about it. I lost my Dad 18 months ago. I miss him every day. And I miss the countless books that Vince would have written. Happy Father's Day to my Dad, Vince and all of the father's out there. Thanks for the memories.” - Anita

Mike Appreciates A Bad Ass With A Sense Of Humor


“I loved the idea of putting Mitch (in Lethal Agent) in an environment not familiar to him like Mexico. It was something outside the normal head to the Middle East and kick the crap out of ISIS. It was a nice twist. I also found Mr. Mills injected a sense of humor into Mitch as there were multiple times I found myself chuckling at Mitch’s action. Without giving too much away I particularly remember Mitch’s interaction with the Cartel members in California. Particularly his food choices. You’ll know when you read it.

Not worry worry Mitch is still a bad ass, and there is plenty of action in this novel. Mitch also gets very creative in accomplishing goals. I think back to the time he picks his handcuff locks in Mexico, again I won’t go into details, but it is impressive and slightly disturbing. Mitch continues to have a hard edge to him. I must say the ending of this book might be my favorite ending of all time. I won’t give anything away, but the last chapter is priceless.

Whether this is your first Mitch Rapp book or you have enjoyed the whole series, you need to pick this book up.” - Mike

A Veteran Shares His Passion For Mitch Rapp


Mitch Rapp is the best single operative out there. I came into this series late in the game. So I have been playing catch up. It was so sad to hear that Vince Flynn passed. His writing was superb and he created such an outstanding main character and list of supporting characters. Now that I am up to Kyle Mills I can say he is the perfect replacement. His writing is superb as well. He has taken Mitch Rapp to outstanding levels. I can't imagine what a difficult process it must be taking over for someone else's writing, especially that far into the series, but Kyle made it look easy. Now that I'm retired from the Army and 100% disabled this series is something that really draws me in. Admittedly, not many book series can do that. While I know that there are real life heroes out there taking down bad guys, when I read this series, I really wish there guys able to do it Mitch Rapp style. A guy like Mitch Rapp who had our back even if we didn't always know it. That's the way I think of Mitch Rapp. That guy you don't know that's always there, if you're the good guy he gives you a sense of comfort and mission focus knowing he's out there. If you're the bad guy, he keeps you up at night in terror. Thanks Kyle Mills for keeping up the legacy. - David

A Fan Sends Thanks As He Rampages Through Lethal Agent


I’m rampaging through Lethal Agent and I just have to say, following Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for Kyle Mills being willing and able to keep the Mitch Rapp series alive.  Losing Vince Flynn was so sad and horrible but you have done an amazing job of keeping his memory alive through the amazing stories he created.  I am a rabid reader of Sandford, Bix and others but Flynn was the best and you have done an amazing job of keeping things going.  Thank you so much.  - Todd

A Fan Thanks Kyle For The Joy He Has Brought To Her Family



This is actually a thank you. I wanted to share my thanks for continuing the Mitch Rapp series. It has been a really fun way to stay in touch with my family (the whole gang loves Mitch Rapp)-with all of us being in different states- we are able to pick up the phone and ask “what’s Mitch up to now?” Or “where are you in the book?”. It has become a game of sorts to guess which book/chapter the family member is currently reading/listening to- and then we spend the next several minutes laughing, and enjoying the camaraderie of Mitch, Scott, and the boys. We really do love that team- there’s a lot to be learned from how they operate. (I also love Kennedy- she has become quite the role model.)

All that to say- just wanted to share that you and Mr. Flynn have brought joy to a family who now discusses the adventures of Mitch Rapp over the dinner table, and we eagerly await each new story-we’ve all listened to them multiple times through. We even got my grandmother started on them, because she was curious about what had us talking and joking all the time.

So again- thanks- they’re more thank just books and characters, they’re family. (From an engineer who works at a refinery, I especially enjoyed the scene with Mitch, and Grisha, running across pipe racks.) - Allison

A Veteran And Longtime Fan Meets Kyle


I started reading these Vince Flynn political thriller books after I was injured in Iraq. Most of my time was spent laying in bed so I decided to start reading these books to occupy my time. I thought Mitch Rapp’s story was going to end with Vince Flynn’s death in 2013 of prostate cancer. Luckily Kyle Mills was handed the job of completing Vince Flynn’s legacy. He has not disappointed Vince Flynn’s fans for Kyle Mills is every bit as talented. I had the opportunity to meet this incredible writer, purchase his new book, and get his last 2 books signed tonight. I had an amazing time and I cannot wait to start reading these 2 books. For those of you that may not know what I’m talking about may have seen American Assassin which was Vince Flynn’s book that was turned into a movie. Dylan O’Brien played Mitch Rapp and Michael Keaton played Stan Hurley. Awesome movie!!!! - Sean