A Tweet Leads To An Amazing Interaction

On Twitter, @Doug_Tilley asked, “Tell me a story of when meeting your hero(es) lived up to expectations,” which led to a pretty amazing thread.

@GregNoleFan: I met Vince Flynn when he was on a book tour and my wife was 8.5 months pregnant. He stopped what he was doing, made sure she had a seat at the front, and said some really beautiful things about how becoming a parent changes you. Everything I could have hoped for.

@GregNoleFan: I found out later he was sick during that tour with the cancer that ended up taking his life. Such a wonderful man, who was gone way too soon.

@AtriaMysteryBus: Was the event in San Diego?

@GregNoleFan: It was.

@AtriaMysteryBus: I traveled with Vince on that tour in my role as his publicist. Hopefully that makes what I’m about to share less creepy and more nice: did I oddly take a photo of the encounter that you described?


@GregNoleFan: Holy cow. This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for this. This is so amazing. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Thank you so much.

@AtriaMysteryBus: I might be as happy as you are for some unknown reason. It’s just a totally random occurrence that reminds me how great Twitter and the internet can be. And thanks for @Doug_Tilley for unknowingly sparking this magic!

@GregNoleFan: Came across the picture we had from the event today. He made sure we were right up front.


BONUS: There is a video of the event!


The First Ambassador Review For Lethal Agent


As a Proud Mitch Rapp Ambassador I'm honored to have been selected to read this exclusive ARC of Lethal Agent by the amazing Kyle Mills in remembrance of Vince Flynn.

Kyle Mills is a true force to reckon with as he continues the legacy of the Best Black Op writer of all time and does one hell of a job here without question.

I have been under the radar reading this one in a secret hidden location and I can tell you that this novel not only delivers the goods but it packs a powerful punch to its readers as MITCH RAPP IS BACK! - Ambassador Donna

A Fan Can't Read Mitch Rapp Unless Her Husband Is Home


I have his (Vince’s) books on a shelf in my living room. He was a wonderful writer and his stories were so intense, had enormous amounts of information in them that a reader just absorbs as you are so into the story. I have told people that I can only read his books when my husband is home as they have such an emotional impact and you feel like you are in the midst of it. The world needs more storytellers and men like Vince Flynn. God bless his family, friends and fans!

A Veteran Shares His Love Of Mitch Rapp


I was first introduced to Vince Flynn back when I was in the Air Force deployed to Qatar. It all started with a copy of Term Limits I found in the community center, and I thought, WOW I love this author and the way he tells a story. Then it got even better when I read my first Mitch Rapp novel. I believe it was Separation of Power. That was almost 20 years ago. I have read every single book since then multiple times. I also have them all loaded in my car for my commute. When I realized it was the 20th Anniversary I decided to listen to the entire saga from beginning to end in order. I am currently listening to The Last Man. Kyle, you have an amazing job picking up the mantle. You had VERY big shoes to fill, and you nailed it sir! Thank you from a very grateful fan!

Kashif Is Ready For Our Upcoming Giveaways


“Looking forward to the Lethal Agent ARC giveaway! VinceFlynn.com sure knows how to keep us Mitch Rapp fans happy and fulfilled with lots and lots of Mitch Rapp goodness.” - Kashif

This email was in response to an announcement of the giveaways we will be offering in next few months, including:

- Monthly Signed Red War Giveaway

- Monthly Military Giveaway

- Monthly Transfer Of Power Giveaway

- Memorial Day Giveaway

- Mitch Rapp Ambassador Program - (Lethal Agent ARC Giveaway)

Make sure you are subscribed to our monthly email and our social network channels for updates.

John Shares High Praise For George Guidall


“After listening to the first Mitch Rapp book where George was the narrator I was not only hooked on Mitch but looked for any other books George narrated. We’ve exchanged emails a number of times and he’s given me some suggestions of books to listen to. An absolutely incredible guy. I love hearing the word “Prologue,” it just sets the mood instantly when he starts the story.” - John

Danielle Calls Red War A Must Read!


“The latest installment of the Mitch Rapp series, Red War by Kyle Mills, is a must read! I thoroughly enjoyed the direction Kyle has taken the story since Vince’s passing, and do look forward to the next book!

Kyle managed to keep the flow of the books running smoothly, and I hope the Flynn Family, and Vince’s loyal readers, will continue to support him and what must have been a most difficult task.

Go get Red War, you won’t be disappointed!” - Danielle

Patrice Say "Kyle Mills Did Not Disappoint"


“As a huge Vince Flynn fan, I am always hesitant with a different author taking his character on another journey. Kyle Mills did not disappoint with the continuation of Mitch Rapp and his protection of the US. I was invested from the first chapters and couldn't put the book down. As always, I am disappointed when I am finished and can't wait for the next one. Definitely add this to your reading list as you will not be disappointed!” - Patrice

Fans Share Their Thoughts On Red War


“Kyle Mills did a great job on this book (Red War). I totally enjoyed it and am very happy to see Vince's Mitch Rapp series continuing on. Vince Flynn, I'm sure, would be very proud... well done, Kyle!” - Larry

“I purchased it (Red War) on audio and I couldn’t stop listening to it. Only took me a day and a half. Love Mitch Rapp!!” - Deborah

An Ambassador Shares Her Red War Journey Through Tweets


This month, we're featuring a series of tweets from Ambassador Sarah; from receiving the ARC of Red War, to her initial response and her final review. 

Ugh! My ARC copy is here for #RedWar, but it’s in the front office...which is closed! I can’t get it till tomorrow!! Is it frowned upon to break into an office to grab ones mail...asking for a friend. #MitchRappAmbassador #MitchRappIsBack #MitchWouldDoIt

It. Is. HERE!!!! Ran home during lunch to pick this baby up! Let the marathon reading begin! #RedWar #MitchRappIsBack

In waiting for all hell to break loose in #RedWar, I think I just read the funniest line I have ever read in a book! See folks, #MitchRapp novels can now be categorized as humor! (Not really, but still...) freaking hilarious! #MitchRappIsBack

Oh. My. Gosh. Just finished #RedWar! What an amazing read! It had such a ripped from the headlines feel, and felt like I was watching the top headlines. Be sure you guys order your copy by 9/25! #MitchRappIsBack

A Fan Has A Beer With Vince


Going through some old pix and found this one of me and Vince at Kevin Barry's in Savannah, GA after the book festival. I took my entire book collection of his novels down and as we talked about my old days of being an Army Ranger. I asked if he would like to go to Kevin Barry's for a pint afterwards to see the Hall of Heroes and he kindly accepted. It was awesome hanging out with him all night and getting to know him, learn about his family and his career. Great man and sadly missed.

A Fan Loses His Vince Flynn Collection Due To Hurricane Harvey



My house flooded as a result of Hurricane Harvey. We have rebuilt the house, but lost several personal items, including my entire collection of Vince Flynn novels. I will replace them, but have a question. I had a signed copy of Act of Treason. Is there any chance there are signed copies available and if so, how could I obtain one?

Thank you, Elliot

The publisher sent Elliot a complete collection of Mitch Rapp books including a signed edition of Enemy Of The State.

A Skeptical Fan Admits He Was "Dead Wrong!"


Wanted to let Kyle know that I was one of those readers of Vince Flynn and the Mitch Rapp series who doubted that Kyle would be able to take over the series without a huge drop in quality and sense of real continuity. I was also one of those that was dead wrong! Kyle, you have done Vince proud with your writing of Mitch and his gang of friends and coworkers, while adding your own touch to the series and from book to book, making the series and characters your own. It was a huge job, and the fact that you have been able to pull it off is not lost on we devotee's of Vince and the great character he created.
Great job buddy!