An Ambassador Shares Her Red War Journey Through Tweets


This month, we're featuring a series of tweets from Ambassador Sarah; from receiving the ARC of Red War, to her initial response and her final review. 

Ugh! My ARC copy is here for #RedWar, but it’s in the front office...which is closed! I can’t get it till tomorrow!! Is it frowned upon to break into an office to grab ones mail...asking for a friend. #MitchRappAmbassador #MitchRappIsBack #MitchWouldDoIt

It. Is. HERE!!!! Ran home during lunch to pick this baby up! Let the marathon reading begin! #RedWar #MitchRappIsBack

In waiting for all hell to break loose in #RedWar, I think I just read the funniest line I have ever read in a book! See folks, #MitchRapp novels can now be categorized as humor! (Not really, but still...) freaking hilarious! #MitchRappIsBack

Oh. My. Gosh. Just finished #RedWar! What an amazing read! It had such a ripped from the headlines feel, and felt like I was watching the top headlines. Be sure you guys order your copy by 9/25! #MitchRappIsBack