A New Fan Wishes He Could Have Met Vince


I was turned on to the writings of Mr. Vince Flynn by a colleague from the St. Paul area.  I only wish he informed me sooner so I could have had an opportunity to meet the man behind the wisdom.  This truly is one of the best series I have ever read and I look forward to finishing it.  Currently I am about 2.5 books out from the written conclusion and I am very excited that CBS and Lionsgate are turning it into a movie (series I hope).  If only I were a well known actor...  Have a great day and Thank you for the gift of Mitch Rapp and the love Vince clearly had for his family and fans.

- Mark

An Ambassador Offers High Praise For Order To Kill

I just finished the galley copy I was sent as an ambassador of Order to Kill and let me say you don't want to miss this next chapter of the Mitch Rapp series. I was on the edge of my seat literally and just couldn't put it down and neither will you. So excited to see the wonderful writing Kyle Mills has brought, Vince would have been thrilled. Thank you for your hard work, it was such a joy to read and I can't wait until the next installment. 

- Jack Abeelen

An Aspiring Ambassador Shares An Impressive Accomplishment

I am a physician who at one time considered joining the military and the Navy Seals.  I have been a Scuba instructor for 37 years along with medicine, and a volunteer at local teaching hospitals and schools.  I am a avid reader, and folks constantly ask me for suggestions.  I never hesitate to recommend the Mitch Rapp series, and always recommend American Assassin to folks as they will be hooked to read the entire series.  I rarely have folks tell me they only read one book, but usually thank me for giving them the next 14 additional books on their reading list.  I was devastated at Vince Flynn's passing, but felt that Kyle Mills has done an excellent job in keeping his legacy alive.  Even my wife (who doesn't read this genre) and my son are hooked, and can't wait for the next one to come out.    It would be an honor and a privilege to be an Ambassador for such a wonderful book.  Respectfully, David Granoff   The picture submitted is my son and I after swimming from Alcatraz.  This will be our 7th year doing the swim together.

A Mitch Rapp Fan Discovers A New Author To Love

I have read every book Vince Flynn has written, since he was recommended to me, and of course I became a Mitch Rapp fan. 

When I read of his passing, I was really saddened. 

When I heard that a Mitch Rapp book was out, but the author was Kyle Mills, I was curious. I read The Survivor and loved it !!!  

Thank you Kyle for keeping Mitch Rapp alive in such a way. I bow down to your gift ! 

Now I have an author who I will always love and remember, and a new one to look forward to. Much success, from a sincere fan, Maribel

A New Fan Learns Of Vince's Passing


Hi Kyle, 

I have been reading the Mitch Rapp series for a few months in chronological order. I finished the Jack Reacher series and a fellow work mate put me onto Vince's series. Holy Dooley what a ride so far!! 

Just finished Consent to Kill while riding the bus to work. From the moment Rapp entered Claudia and her baby's room my heart was in my throat and my eyes welled up as the scene unfolded. One of the best books I have EVER read in this genre! 

I decided to send an email to Mr Flynn (this one), however during my internet search I found out about Vince's personal health battle and sadly loss of his life. On top of my already emotional state, it was only minutes after finishing Consent To Kill, it was all a bit much. Belated sympathies to his family and the greater reading world for the loss of a remarkable and talented writer as well as I'm sure a good bloke. 

Looking forward to hunting and eliminating the evil of greedy bigots and radical extremists of our modern day world and having good triumph over evil in what sometimes seems a hopeless war. Go get em Rapp! Thanks Vince and Kyle

Kev (Australia and ex ADF)

A Skeptical Fan Provides His Review Of The Survivor

Mr. Mills.

I just finished reading The Survivor and have to admit, that even though I was skeptical at first, you did an amazing job.  

Without giving too much away to some out there that may read this before reading your book, there were some shocking and surprising moments, but overall a great continuation of our favorite "dark hero," Mitch Rapp.  

Keep up the great work, I'm sure others will also comment positively about "The Survivor".

A True Mitch Fan,

A Mitch Rapp Fan Since 2004 - Reviews The Survivor


I don’t read very many books nowadays, but Mitch Rapp has been the exception ever since the first time I cracked open Transfer of Power sometime around 2005. He’s been my absolute favorite character ever and I loved Vince’s writing.

Nothing against you, but I didn’t have high hopes for “the guy who took over for Vince”. However I can say that The Survivor grabbed me the way those first few Mitch Rapp books did. It was an excellent follow up to The Last Man. I just wanted to let you know that this Mitch Rapp fan thinks you’ve done an outstanding job keeping the series going and I am looking forward to your next Mitch Rapp book. 

- Charlie

PS - Please don't let Hollywood screw it up.

A Fan Thanks Kyle For Continuing The Mitch Rapp Saga

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for continuing Vince Flynn's novels about Mitch Rapp!  I have been reading all of his books in order and then I found out that he had passed.  I was so sorry to hear that and was upset that his story line would end so abruptly.  There is so much more evolving for Rapp and you did a wonderful job of continuing his flowing style that I had become so used to.  I am looking forward to more Mitch Rapp and Kyle Mills in the future.  

- Faith, a 61 year old female!!

A 20-Year Navy Veteran Shares His Thoughts On The Survivor

It is beyond bittersweet, as I just finished The Survivor.  I have voraciously read every book in the series. I would impatiently wait for months until the next edition was released. Like millions of others I'm sure, I was devastated at Vince's passing, but was THRILLED to learn that the family decided to release this final work. 

I'm sure you've heard it said many times already, but I'll say it anyway, I thought the book was pure Mitch Rapp cover to cover. You stepped into an impossibly difficult position and did a superb job. As a true fan and 20 year Navy patriot who loved this line of books like few others, I hope you are given the opportunity to keep Mitch alive as a testimony to Vince's brilliance. Thanks again to you, and if at all possible please extend my heartfelt condolences and deep gratitude to the Flynn family for their generosity. 

With utmost respect, 
SCPO Ed Aldrich, USN (ret)

A Vince Flynn Fan Looking Forward To The Next Mitch Rapp Saga

I've been a Mitch fan for a few years now....when Vince Flynn passed a great writer was lost, I was excited when I heard a writer had taken on the task of finishing the next book. 

Kyle did a great job of writing Survivor. I finished it in a week, I could tell a difference in writing styles but Vince would be proud to see his series continue, I looking forward to the next....

Mike M.

After Reading The Survivor An Ambassador Proclaims Mitch Rapp Is Alive!

Having been chosen an Ambassador, I couldn't wait to receive my advance copy of The Survivor. 

Circumstances beyond my control didn't allow me to start the book straight away. I can tell you now that when I was able to begin, I didn't stop. 

Vince Flynn and Mitch Rapp are alive in The Survivor. Kyle Mills didhis friend proud.  

Thank you to Vince's family for allowing this book to be finished. Couldn't be more proud to have had the opportunity to receive and be part of this dedication to a great writer! 

Rest easy Vince, it is done!

"Mitch Rapp's Girlfriend" Provides A Review Of The Survivor

Dear All,

Wow! Thank you again for the advanced copy of The Survivor!  I have been reading Vince's works since the beginning and am an avid Rapp fan.  Kyle, you had some big boots to fill, but this book did not disappoint!  I do not know how much of this book Vince wrote.  There's a fan page on Facebook that claims Vince only wrote the first chapter.  I tried to figure it out as I read and my guess would be around Chapter 26 is where Vince left off. The writing shifted slightly there, but nothing significant. Can you answer that- where did Kyle pick up?

I consider myself to be one of the biggest Vince and Rapp fans around, and I am beyond pleased with this book.  I'll admit, I was nervous to even give Kyle a shot at this and almost didn't read it for fear that somehow he would destroy a piece of Vince's legacy or characters as he attempted to finish this.  Kyle, it was amazing and you should be so proud! I am not disappointed in any way and look forward to reading more!

All in all, I am completely blown away by how you guys pulled all of this off.  Fans around the world were heartbroken with Vince's passing.  This has been a wonderful tribute to him and keeps him alive through the characters he created for his family and friends.  Sending out galley
copies to so many was like kisses from heaven, I swear.  It touched me deeply. I really think Vince would be so proud of all of you and pleased with how this is going.  Keep up the good work and as always, let me know
if I can help!

With much gratitude,

PS: My own husband calls me Mitch Rapp's girlfriend.  How bad is that?! He knows I'll disappear for days into the books and that no other book will satisfy me like a Mitch Rapp thriller!  Kyle, "Miranda" would be an awesome name for Mitch's new girlfriend... it seems you are looking to end his loneliness!  Just saying, Miranda and Mitch sound great together!

An Ambassador Provides A Review Of The Survivor

Thank you for selecting me as an ambassador and sending a galley.  This was received on 17 June, but I elected to start reading The Survivor on 19 June, the anniversary of Vince's passing.  


This one word describes the juxtaposition of two authors corroborating on one novel.  I don't know how much Vince completed while writing The Survivor before his tragic passing, but Kyle Mills certainly wove his style into Vince's so that it's impossible to say who wrote what.

The opening grabbed my attention and it never wavered.  Conflicts abound, with strong character development as we learn even more about what six of our protagonists (Mitch, Stan, Irene, Scott, Mike, and Marcus) do to get through each of the many subplots in typical Vince Flynn fashion, i.e., take no prisoners.  

All the loose ends are neatly tied up as the story ends, but somehow I feel that Mitch will be called upon again.  Continue the march, Kyle.  

- Gary

Why Did Consent To Kill Bring A 6'4" 350 Pound Man To Tears


I just finished reading Consent to Kill. 

I am an wxperienced adult 68 years old. I am 6'4" tall and weigh 350 lbs. 

When I read the end, I cried for all the emotions going through Mitch as he finds the killers, but spares their lives. No book of fiction has ever done this to me. 

When you read his stories and understand what he is made of, and then find that he can walk away from the ultimate vengeance, it makes this character larger than life. 

Thank you Vince for many hours of enjoyment and constant wishes That Mitch were real.

- Jerry

A Fan Who Only Reads Vince's Books Is Excited For October

I have never been a reader of anything other than newspapers or magazines since I was younger.  My wife gave me an electronic reader for Christmas a couple of years back and I thought I would never use it. I downloaded the sample version of American Assassin just to have "a book" on there.  I immediately purchased the book in its entirety. I finished the book in a day and a half. I could not believe that I was so interested.  I then researched the order of books and bought everything Mr. Flynn had authored.  I felt so intellectual (ha) having my own library.  When Mr. Flynn was first diagnosed and the Last Man book was postponed and possibly never to be released I was devastated.  I felt as though I had lost someone in my immediate family.  Then Mr. Flynn fought and overcame and the book was published.  When the passing of Mr. Flynn was made public I mourned not only for Mr. Flynn and his family, but for Mitch.  I attempted to get interested in other authors in similar story lines.  The electronic reader has sat on a shelf.  The announcement of plans to continue the series excites me.  In October I will have the reader charged and updated.  Thank you Mr. Flynn (an to the people continuing his name) for the opportunity to meet Mitch and friends.  

God Bless! 

Vince's Legacy Lives On Through A Holiday Family Tradition

Hello Kyle Mills,

This is not a question, is a simple tale about Vince's influence on us.

Every year for Thanksgiving, our family (and I, specifically) have a couple of traditions. The first is from my husband wherein we listen to Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" a few (or 20 more) times due to the fact that my husband and I are both ex-military and enjoy laughing ourselves silly.

The second tradition is mine alone. As I start shopping for dinner, I also start listening to my audio books of Mitch Rapp that I have put on my I-Pod. 

Usually a week and a half prior to dinner starts with Transfer Of Power, since I 'read' them in the order they were written. Because I listen to audio books daily I normally get to Consent to Kill by Wednesday evening as I am chopping and dicing vegetables for stuffing. Throughout the whole process I call out for one of our four children (who are all familiar with the books, two of whom have read them all as well) and give a quote and we laugh.

This Wednesday, once again, after dinner, my evening started with chopping and the words: "To kill a man is a relatively easy thing...". The story, of course, continued as I chopped, peeled, diced, browned and again the next morning as I basted, pureed, mixed, basted, baked, kneaded, basted... and a few loose tears again rolled down my cheeks. I came to the website and remembered. 

Vince may be gone, but his legacy might be able to live on. I gave thanks in my mind, very quietly and personally. I hope that you will keep the faith that all of us who love Vince, and love his books will continue to live through them for many Thanksgiving dinners to come.
With warmest best wishes for your attempts,


I will of course continue to series to it’s current conclusion. That should end about halfway to Christmas. You better hurry with that writing mister, we are waiting! :)