Patty Bonds With Her Doctor Over Mitch Rapp While Battling Cancer

Let me say first that Mr. Flynn's passing made me very sad, for him, his family, friends and his fans. I prayed for him and his family and will continue to do so.

My husband had read All of Mr. Flynn's books on Mr. Rapp and suggested that i read them.  I had just been diagnosed with both multiple myeloma and breast cancer back in March 2013. 

While in the hospital or having treatments i picked up one of Mr. Flynn's books and was HOOKED after reading the first 50 pages. I've since read every book in the series, I'm now Re-Reading them but this time in the order they came out. 

I'm a 68 years old woman and have never felt this way about any person I've never met before, meaning Mr. Flynn Or a character in a book the way i have with Mitch Rapp. I've gone to bed with him every night, taken him to (Mitch)  tests, chemo etc. I've told every doctor, nurse, tech, I've come across about My Flynn. One of my doctor's was also reading one of the Mitch Rapp books and we had so much fun talking about what was going on in the book, other Mitch Rapp books we'd read etc. We had a ball. 

My next appointment is in 3 weeks and I can't wait to hear IF he's heard the series Will Continue.   I'm so glad to hear that the Mitch Rapp series will continue but I Hope the book will come out as soon as possible.   I miss reading Mitch at night, during my treatments, tests chemo, etc. Just having "another" book on my night stand isn't the same for me. 

I've read my entire life Every Single Day but have Never read such an EXCITING Author and character as Mitch Rapp.

Between my husband and myself we have over 1,000 books but None compare with My Flynn's.
Again a Big Thank You for bringing Mitch back to us and I hope he stays True! 

Mrs. Patty Stacey
Russellville, AR 

Vince Helps Make A Fan's Last Days More Comfortable

My father, Brian O'Mahoney, recently passed away after a battle with cancer. The last book he was reading was Executive Power. His last day was spent in and out of consciousness and he was quite disorientated and confused at times. During one bout of awakeness I held up the book seeing if he wanted it and he clearly read out Vince Flynn Executive Power and it helped him to focus on something other than his battle even for just a moment. He was a great lover of secret agent type books and the bedroom, study, bathroom and car have always had a book(s) for when he needed something to read. I just felt I wanted to share this with you, though I am sure you read/hear similar stories often. I wish you well and look forward to your further publications.

Yours faithfully,
Alice O'Mahoney

A Fan Takes His Vince Flynn Library Through Tours In Iraq and Afghanistan

All survived two tours in Iraq and once in Afghanistan! 

My first Vince Flynn Novel was Term Limits when I was in Camp Taji
Iraq at the camp MWR facility. I couldn't put it down! 

I left the book after reading it for others to enjoy! 

Now I have nearly every book in the series! 

Now that I am medically retiring from the Army, I will finally have time
to read the series in order and enjoy the works of a wonderful self published author! 

I cannot believe he is gone!  I hope to finish my collection and walk in his footsteps and write my own novels as Vince's books have inspired my writing. I will miss this man I have never met! I would like to tell his family that I am very sorry for their loss and that he has touched many of us soldiers and citizens alike with his imagination and hard work! He will be very much missed!

- Joseph

A Vince Flynn Fan Shares His Story With Kyle Mills


You don't know me and I'm sure we'll never meet in person. My name is Ryan Steck, I'm a husband and father of five wonderful children. I live Kalamazoo, Michigan and am 25 years old. 

Until last year I'd never read a book in my adult life. When I saw on the news that Vince Flynn had passed away, I had never heard of him. He was an author, they said, and I almost quit listening. Then I heard one of the news anchors say that he also worked on the television show 24, which I'm a huge fan of! For some reason, I decided I was going to check this guy out...

I looked him up, and learned he wrote books about some fellow named Mitch Rapp. I found a list of his books in chronological order, then hopped on Amazon and bought a copy of American Assassin. It was the first book I've ever purchased... I read it in a week and fell in love with the writing and character, so naturally Kill Shot was my second purchase. I was hooked, and over two months I read all fourteen of Flynn's novels, including Term Limits. A display featuring all of his books is proudly set up in my home. It's one of my proudest possessions.

I'm a grown man, a father for crying out loud, I'm suppose to be tough! But when I finished the final page of The Last Man I was devastated. I suddenly realized there were no more adventures to go on with my buddy Rapp. My first love in the world of books, and the stories were over. What an empty feeling that left! 

Vince felt like a friend I've never met, and can now never meet. I felt robbed as a fan because having discovered his work after he'd already passed, I never had the opportunity to go to a book signing, or feel the excitement and anticipation from a book release date rapidly approaching. 

Thanks to you, and the rest of Vince's team and family, I will now have that chance! I wrote on Emily Bestler's Facebook page last night that I was in bed when my phone vibrated alerting me to the fact that I had an email. Through tired and blurry eyes I saw Flynn's name in the subject line and couldn't get the message opened fast enough! 

I have checked, honestly, at least four times a week since last July for ANY updates on Flynn's The Survivor. I know his website and fan newsletter said we, the fans, would be the first to know, but I checked for rumors, or anything, anyways! I was so excited last night that I was actually jumping around my home, celebrating! My wife and oldest daughter, both of which know how much I love Mitch Rapp, wondered what the heck was going on. When I told them, they congratulated me! Me? Why me? 

That's why I'm writing you this email, And I pray it somehow finds it's way to you. I just wanted to congratulate you, as well as offer my support and loyalty. I've read your comments this morning about how you've gone back and read every Rapp book in chronological order, taking notes, etc. it's obvious that you're dedicated to breathing new life into Mitch Rapp, so thank you for that! 

I've also read your comments about how these are big shoes to fill, I can only imagine! No worries, you'll nail it! I haven't been able to find any other author, or character, that comes anywhere close to the genius of Flynn/Rapp. I immediately got a list of your books, and I can't wait to check them out! I'll be in my library and on Amazon later today finding copies. 

You'll be in my prayers as you work to finish The Survivor, and I look forward to an additional two installments from you in the coming years. I hope I speak for most Flynn/Rapp fans when I say this... We're behind you, we support you, and we thank you for continuing our beloved characters. It'll be a true honor to display the additional Rapp books, authored by you, along with the rest in my home. 

God bless, 

Ryan Steck

Vince Flynn Changes A Retired Teacher's Life

Vince Flynn's books have changed my 65 year old life. 

I am a retired public school teacher and have recently been introduced
to Vince Flynn. 

While I have read only 5 of his books, I can't wait to get the next one. 

Finally, something other than my wife and family gets my mind off golf. 

Thanks to the Flynn family. I hope to meet Vince one day in heaven and
thank him personally. 

- Vic

Killing Time With A Time To Kill Inspires A Passion For Reading

I'm an avid reader and huge Vince Flynn fan. I thought I should email the website to share the impact Mr. Flynn's books have had in my life. I was never a "reader." 

Until 2008, I had read maybe a couple books that weren't for my children or required by school. I came across the book Consent To Kill at a local store. I was waiting for my wife to finish shopping so I had a few hours to kill, pun not intended. I read the first few pages while waiting and was hooked. I subsequently purchased all of Mr. Flynn's books and also watched for any new releases, I own them all now. 

In reading his books I got addicted to reading and tried to find any similar books I could. Since then I now have a collection of over 200 books, mostly in a similar genre to the Mitch Rapp collection, such as Clancy, Ludlum, Thor, and Cussler to brush the surface. The Rapp books are still far and away my favorite and I've read each 2 or 3 times now. I'm very upset over his passing and in my opinion the reading public has lost one of the best. I want to thank Mr. Flynn for his work and getting me hooked on reading. 

Loyal fan for life,

Breaking A Book Buying Rule Leads To A Fan's "Ah-Ha" Moment

I happened upon Vince's novels completely by accident. I received a book store gift card and was looking for an action suspense novel and was becoming frustrated because nothing seemed to make the grade. My wife handed me two books Term Limits and American Assassin, she pointed out one appeared to be a series and one a single. I never buy two books by a single author at one time. This was an AHHA moment for me. I am now the proud owner of all of Vince's novels. From what I have read in the newsletter and on this site it is easy to see Vince has a remarkable following and I am proud to be one of those people! I am saddened by his loss but he has and is giving me hours of pleasure and helped me to focus on my health. To his family from mine our sincere condolences. Thank you Vince !

Rather Than Pass Along Vince's Books, Fans Keep Them To Read Again and Again

I just finished American Assassin…my first Vince I just wanted to share that my husband and I recently finished reading 'The Last Man'. I truly felt grief while reading it, knowing he had died not long before it was published. 

We both loved his series a great deal and have decided to keep these books instead of following our usual practice of passing our books on after reading them. One can only have so many books in one house! 

We are sure in a few years we will enjoy reading his books in order all over again! 

I'm hoping the book he was working on was completed enough that it will be published. I hope that was his wish too.

Blessings to all of you who loved this awesome writer during his lifetime. I hope he knows how many other people loved him and his great writing mind too.

Carol Music

A New Fan Begins To "Know" Vince After His Passing

I just finished American Assassin…my first Vince Flynn novel. 


I feel terrible that in all my years of listening to Rush and him mentioning you and your novels that it took your passing for me to finally order one and give it a read. 

What a talented man you were and God Bless. I will say a prayer for you at Mass on Sunday as well as for your wife and children...I can only imagine how they miss you. Looking forward to starting Kill Shotlater tonight hopefully. 

Writing is a great thing, though you are departed from this world, I still can get to know you through your books.

I am already distraught that I will eventually run out of titles.

A Fan Learns From Vince To See His Dyslexia As A Gift: Shares Lessons With Others

You will be well missed Mr. Flynn.  You are someone who inspired me when I was younger. 

I had seen you watching television with my dad.  Just like yourself, I am dyslexic, and you showed me that dyslexia is not a curse, but more of a gift. 

Before, I had never really thought of it that way, and you were right. 

Yes, there are hard parts to it, but there is also lots of good to it. 

That's the way that I look at it now and always will, and for that I
thank you very much. 

I will teach my friends, family and children this lesson, for it runs in
my family. 

Rest in peace,

Vince Provides A Moment Of Bliss During The Stress Of New Motherhood

Fall reminds me of the excitement of reading your latest book! I remember last fall, sitting in a NYC park on maternity leave with my new baby in the stroller. 

I was reading The Last Man, completely sleep deprived but totally content with your writing & my coffee. The reason I was so happy was your new book! 

It sounds odd-- but it was such a blissful moment in the stress of new motherhood...thank you for that. 

Vince, you are so missed this fall & so many more to come!

- Arlene

Vince’s Books Gave Me Hope And Courage To Stay Clean And Sober

I was a full-blown addict living on the streets in Las Vegas. Vince's books gave me hope and just enough courage to stay clean and sober for the day. 

I looked forward to reading one of his books each day. It was something in my life that I knew I would do only if I was clean and sober. I wanted to see how Mitch Rapp was going to deal with whatever scenario he was facing. 

These single days lead to a week and those weeks lead into months. 

Now it's been almost 4 years. I owe Vince my life. His writings helped save me from certain death. 

- Scott

Mitch Rapp Helps A Fan Recover From A Near Fatal Car Accident

Mr. Flynn, 

In October 2010, Tyler was nearly killed in a car crash, which took his right arm and required his skull to be rebuilt. He struggled through a depressing recovery, until his grandfather gave him American Assassin.  Tyler was hooked.  He has since read all of Vince’s books, and while he is now disabled he is excited about his son who was born on May 1.
My name is Tyler and I wanted to share something with you. First of all I want to say thank you for writing your books, they helped save my life. I was nearly killed in a car accident by no fault of my own in October 2010. I lost my right arm, and had significant brain damage and memory loss. I have a rebuilt skull and struggle to get through each day. My grandpa gave me American Assassin and I was instantly hooked. I ordered all of the books and it pulled me out of a deep and scary depression. I simply wanted to share that with you and say thank you. From the bottom of my heart. 

I'm 27 years old and disabled now, my son was just born on May 1, 2013. It's been exciting to say the least. I'm a huge fan and supporter of you and I am very glad you are doing better now after your cancer issue as well. I consider you a role model, and your prose is the best that there is! Thank you for taking the time to write and for saving my life. God only knows where I'd be if I stayed in the dark place that I was in mentally. God bless you Mr. Flynn. 
Much Respect,

Vince’s Novels Helped Me Through One Of The Biggest Trials Of My Life

I'm so so so saddened by your death. I'm at home crying my eyes out even though I don't really know you. 

My heart goes out to your wife and children.  I can't even imagine what they are going through. 

You were too young! 

I should have sent this comment when you were alive to tell you how much your books meant to me. 

My husband and I have been infertile for 6 years. We have a 1-2% chance of having a child. We always said if we ever got pregnant with a boy we'd name him Mitch. 

Yep, a little obsessed with your books, but they got us through many NYC subway rides and we read them to each other while driving across the country. They kept us awake! 

Anyway, 4 years into our infertility adventure I got pregnant. It was a miracle! We knew we had beat the odds. Ten weeks later I had an ultrasound and there was no baby. It had died. 

God was merciful though. 

I had reordered your first 3 books again because they had been lost while others borrowed them. The books were waiting for me when I got home, so I dove right in. I knew I just needed something to get my mind off the hurt and there was no better way to do that than read your books. 

I always tell people that Vince Flynn got me through one of the biggest trials of my life. I will be forever grateful! 

Thank you for your books, your life, your example. I'm so sorry it ended this way. 

- Sam G.

Discovering Vince For A Second Time

Hello Vince,

The First time I read one of your books was when I was deployed to Afghanistan. The first one was "Extreme Measures" then I found Pursuit of Honor fell in love with each book. Did not know that it was a 13 book set. 

Today, a friend of mine gave me a book called Executive Power and I'm thinking to myself "This type of storyline seems familiar and the character Mitch Rapp does as well. 

So I looked up your name and sure enough, I remembered who wrote the story. I am a member of the 72nd Military Police Co. in Henderson, NV with the Nevada Army National Guard. 

I was wondering if you would like to donate 1-2 full sets of all 13 books to my unit for reading. I'm sure a lot of the soldiers would like your stories seeing that a lot of people in my unit have a lot of combat experience such as myself and have alot of similarities in common with your books. Please write back with some comment if you would be interested in this or even if not. 

Thank you for your time,

VInce sent Jeremy's unit a full library of books.

Reading Mitch Rapp Helps Fan During His Battle With Cancer

My name is Tom Foley and am the Executive Associate Dean of the Martin J. Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University. I was also a high school and college lacrosse player. One of my high school teammates is the present Hall of Fame coach at Syracuse University, John Desko. Obviously you can see that I would have a strong interest in your character, Mitch Rapp.

I am writing to thank you.

Last summer, I was diagnosed with a low grade B-Cell folicular lymphoma (stage IV.) I started reading your novels in July of 2012 as I started my treatments. I have one more novel to go. I want to thank you for helping get through my chemo and the additional consolidation therapy that I have just finished. I am in remission and am feeling pretty good. My disease is treatable, but not curable, but we are doing alright!

Your novels have been wonderful, they helped me when I was sitting, getting my hours worth of chemo, they helped me to unwind before the end of the day and they helped me fight back as I go to the gym and spend time on the elliptical machine. Thank you for your Mitt Rapp series, I have truly enjoyed them!

Thank you for helping me get through these difficult times.

All the best,

Mitch Rapp Makes A Positive Impact On A Reader's Life

Dear Mr. Flynn,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your gifted talents as a writer, and share with you my sincere gratitude in helping my husband through a very difficult period in his current life.
My amazing husband of 17-years recently lost both of his parents within 8 months of each other (12/11 & 8/12). Lee is a gentle soul who keeps his feelings tucked deeply inside and I could see and feel the burden in his heart from these life altering losses. 

For the very first time in our marriage I was the one feeling helpless and lost as to how to help my soul-mate process through this tragic and emotional period. Lee has always been my rock and savior, and with the tables turned, I felt I had let down my husband, and our marriage vows as I could not reach through his pain and help pull him back to me.
A co-worker told him about the AMAZING Mitch Rapp series and I practically ran to our local B&N to purchase the first book. Lee DEVOURED that book and I saw an immediate shift in his emotional state. He was so enthralled with the writing, the character(s), plot line, etc., that he would sit for hours and hours savoring each descriptive morsel of the story.
Seeing this as a positive step in helping his emerge from those dark, gloomy clouds of pain, I immediately ordered ALL of the remaining books in the series. There were days when he would sit and read your books from cover to cover - it was so amazing to see him engaged in life once again, and he slowly started to return to me.
I, myself, am an avid reader of all types of literature, usually reading through two to three books per week. At Lee's insistence, I am now reading my way through the Mitch Rapp series - and I find myself enjoying your series as much as my husband!!
Once again, thank you so very much for making such a positive and life changing impact in my husband's life. I will continue to make sure Lee always has your latest book ready for him to savor.
Kindest regards,

Vince Inspires A Young Patriot

My name is Pierce Wilson, I am sixteen years old and I feel that I should tell you that, even at my young age, you have had an impact on my life through your books. I had always had an interest in weapons and the military, as most young boys do, but after reading your book Memorial Day I encountered a moment of clarity. I started thinking of what I, being only fifteen at the time, could do to support the war on terror. Not many options presented themselves, so instead of using direct action then, I chose to use delayed action and think of what I could do in the future to counter this threat. 

I began researching the different branches of our military and learning about their special forces units, being the ones who have the most direct action against terrorists they click well with me. As I was learning about the military I was learning about myself as well. I discovered a feeling of duty and pride of being an American that I wish more children my age would share. With that new found duty and pride I begun a change how i was in my everyday life, I started to take things like school, future planning, and training, both mentally and physically, more seriously. Where as before I would just slide by with only doing minimum effort and being a lazy uncaring smart mouthed teenager. 

Your books helped me realize things bigger than myself. They helped me find my inner sense of pride and honor for my country that I had not really had before. 

For that I would like to thank you, for writing books that instilled pride into me. I might be only a junior in High school but, as of now, I know what I want to do with my life and how to accomplish that goal. My dream is to be able to pridefully call myself a member of MARSOC, Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, and to carry out my duty against terror and a United States Marine.

I do hope that you read this message sometime and that you respond. As I said before you are my favorite author, and the one who's books changed my life. I wish you and your family good health, and good writing.
