Mitch Rapp Makes A Positive Impact On A Reader's Life

Dear Mr. Flynn,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your gifted talents as a writer, and share with you my sincere gratitude in helping my husband through a very difficult period in his current life.
My amazing husband of 17-years recently lost both of his parents within 8 months of each other (12/11 & 8/12). Lee is a gentle soul who keeps his feelings tucked deeply inside and I could see and feel the burden in his heart from these life altering losses. 

For the very first time in our marriage I was the one feeling helpless and lost as to how to help my soul-mate process through this tragic and emotional period. Lee has always been my rock and savior, and with the tables turned, I felt I had let down my husband, and our marriage vows as I could not reach through his pain and help pull him back to me.
A co-worker told him about the AMAZING Mitch Rapp series and I practically ran to our local B&N to purchase the first book. Lee DEVOURED that book and I saw an immediate shift in his emotional state. He was so enthralled with the writing, the character(s), plot line, etc., that he would sit for hours and hours savoring each descriptive morsel of the story.
Seeing this as a positive step in helping his emerge from those dark, gloomy clouds of pain, I immediately ordered ALL of the remaining books in the series. There were days when he would sit and read your books from cover to cover - it was so amazing to see him engaged in life once again, and he slowly started to return to me.
I, myself, am an avid reader of all types of literature, usually reading through two to three books per week. At Lee's insistence, I am now reading my way through the Mitch Rapp series - and I find myself enjoying your series as much as my husband!!
Once again, thank you so very much for making such a positive and life changing impact in my husband's life. I will continue to make sure Lee always has your latest book ready for him to savor.
Kindest regards,