Make Sure Friends And Family Know You Are Taking A Leave Of RAPPsence
We want to ensure you can enjoy your RAPPoliday, September 3, when Mitch Rapp is Back in Capture Or Kill. So, we are providing a Leave of RAPPsence note to share with friends, family and maybe even enemies (you can make them jealous).
Below is the official Leave of RAPPSence note. You can select the text and copy it or download it as an image.
Thank you for your continued support and happy RAPPoliday!
Dear (insert employer, employee, family, friend, pet name),
This letter is to inform you that (insert your name) will be taking a fully excused and sanctioned Leave of Rappsence from all life responsibilities on Tuesday, September 3, 2023.
For this is the day that Mitch Rapp Is Back in CAPTURE OR KILL.
We hope you will support the celebration of this RAPPoliday by providing snacks and drinks to (insert name) - please do not distract them though.
Even better, join in the festivities and pick up your own copy of CAPTURE OR KILL.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Happy RAPPoliday!
- The Mitch Rapp Team -