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What's Your Story: James

I just retired as a Safety Director after being in the trucking industry for 25 years.

When did you start reading Vince?
Started around 2013ish, after listening to Vince on Rush Limbaugh. Rush was praising his books and I went and bought my first one and was hooked immediately.

Do you have a favorite book?
American Assassin, because it gave great context on what it took to make Mitch - Mitch.

Who is your favorite character?
Stan Hurley. Reminds me of an old wise Sargeant I worked with. He was like Stan in that he was tough, but once you were accepted as part of his "crew" he was loyal to a fault.

If you could be a character in a Vince Flynn novel, who would you be? 
Stan, all the attributes you would want by your side in the sh*t.