I am an avid reader and fan of Vince Flynn; I have read every single one of his books and cannot wait to read the next one. This sounds silly, but Mitch Rapp (though just a fictional character) gives me motivation during my day and my goals back to health and recovery. I was an alcoholic for years and six months into a recovery program, I read all of Vince Flynn's book and I guess you can say felt that Mitch Rapp and I had a lot in common. I told myself I want to be a Mitch Rapp, health wise of course. I have learned a lot of lessons from the Mitch Rapp series both recovery wise, health, focus and being alert to my surroundings. So, I just want to say that to some reading and learning about adversity, hardships and obstacles puts a lost mind back into focus and back on track. I am 28 years old, had a good job at Texas Instruments, in shape, was very healthy, but over a couple years due to a loss of a family member, I lost my focus and my momentum to be successful and almost lost everything. Now I am almost two years sober, I am healthy, in shape and I have a great paying job again, and I contribute part of this success to Vince Flynn and Mitch Rapp (though again I know he is only fictional). Even if I do not win the autographed book by Vince, I would like to tell him my story and thank you, I really needed a getaway through that hard time.
Thank you,
Flying A Flag For Vince
Hi Vince,
I am a U.S. Army AH64D Longbow Apache pilot currently deployed to Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Division and a huge fan of your books.
I currently just finished reading Kill Shot. I started reading your books on a deployment to Iraq in 05 and since then I can't seem to put them down.
In appreciation for your work I have flown a U.S. flag for you and was wondering where I could mail it so that you receive it?
Thank you for keeping my mind occupied with reading.
Thank you for your time,
Michael N,
Vince sent a full library of his books for the base and a signed book for Michael.
Aviation Officer Inspired To Write By Vince
Dear Vince,
You are my favorite author. I have read all of the Mitch Rapp series and eagerly await The Last Man. I hope Rapp's stories keep on going. The man does what he needs to do to get the mission done despite personal consequences and is a bad you-know-what.
I proudly served as an Aviation Officer assigned to a Military Intelligence unit in the US Army, and believe we would be a stronger nation if more people served in some capacity for a few years. I went on to work in other areas (finance, education services for underprivileged) and 'retired' to be a stay-at-home wife and mother.
I took my experiences, embellished them (a lot), and completed a manuscript (a thriller with humor and romance). I am in the process of querying agents.
I just wanted to thank you for creating the page-turning rush of excitement and for the inspiration it provided me to begin writing. I only hope I can create such strong characters and compelling reads.
What Can Keep A 14 Year-Old Away From TV And Video Games?
Hi. I have sent you an e-mail a time or two before and I wanted to give you an update. My 14 year-old son Lucas, who is a voracious reader asked me to recommend a book for him to read. I gave him Consent To Kill to see how he liked it. This was my favorite out of your books and I knew if he liked it, he would like the others.
I need to tell you that this was on a Friday after school.
He read it from cover to cover in 2 days. He ignored the television, his friends, all video games and the computer. When he got to where Anna was killed he said to me very firmly, "How can I read the books before this one now that I know Mitch's wife dies?" I still chuckle over that.
Once he was done reading the book he had a hundred questions about the characters, what happens with them, how they came to be. I gave him Transfer of Power, told him it was the first in the series and said, "Start reading."
After every book, he had more questions and I of course had more books. After he finished Memorial Day, he handed it back to me and I said the same as I always did to his questions: "I know, I know, keep reading, next?"
He has finished them all and is anxiously awaiting your next Mitch Rapp novel.
I wanted to tell you this story specifically because of the other e-mails you get from other readers. You appeal to 14-year old's too. LOL! You cross many age barriers!
Once again, thanks for sharing your mind with the rest of us, and keep getting better!
Former Hostage Suggests He Knows The Original Model For Mitch Rapp
I lived in Beirut, Lebanon and Ryahad, Saudi Arabia for four years working as a Hospital CEO.
Was taken hostage by Hezbollah and held for 17 months. You are on target about terrorism and the evil they do.
Very impressed with your writing skills and knowledge of details.
Ollie North is a great friend. As a hostage he saved my life when that killer in Libya offered 2.5 million to put a bullet in my head. Ollie must have been the
model for Rapp.
Best regards,
Dave J.
73 Year-Old Has A Crush On Mitch Rapp
Dear Vince,
I just have to say that I, and all your fans, are thrilled that you are regaining your health.
I also have to say that I have every single one of your books, which I have read 12 times while waiting for the next one to come out.
I just love you to bits and, I'm not ashamed to say that I am also extremely fond of Mitch Rapp, how sad is that....a fictitious love bug...and me being a 73 year-old lady.
It's your fault young man so I hope you will man up and take the blame!
Thank you for all the joy your books bring to me and millions of other people.
Keep well Vince. All the very best to you and your family.
Kind regards,
Bernie P.
P.S. I loved your acknowledgments...made me cry xxx
Finding Love Through An Autographed Book
Thank you for writing amazing books! My fiancé has been a fan for years however he only has one autographed book.
The way in which this came about was rather interesting...I am a veteran and he is a police officer.
In our pursuit for happiness we decided to try online dating. He had your name listed as his favorite author. I had no idea who you were (my apologies). Prior to meeting him I looked you up and found you were doing an autograph signing at a local Sams Club in Minnesota.
Unfortunately for me it fell on a day in which I had military training so I pleaded with my mother to stand in line with my 3 month old sister to get this book signed for a man neither one of us had met!
A mothers love is undeniable because a few days later when I went by her house there it was signed for "Josh O."
He and I met a few weeks after that. He eventually learned the efforts of getting it signed and now two years later we are getting married! (five months away now!)
I just thought you might enjoy knowing your book was the start of something more than I could have imagined :)
I am exceptionally grateful for your work and the patience of my mother as I soon become "Mrs. O"
Sharing Memories Of A Father And Mitch Rapp
Dear Mr. Flynn,
Just wanted to tell you thank you for your books.
My Dad, Sam, always loved to read, but in his early 70’s he said he was going to only read articles but no more books - mostly because once he started a book he would sit and read until he finished the book and he was finding it difficult to sit for a long time.
February of 2010 he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and was pretty sick.
After hearing an interview with you on Glenn Beck, I purchased a few of your books, gave one to Dad, and told him he might want to read it.
And then, every time I walked by his room he was reading your book. I was reading a different one and he would ask me, “How is our hero Mitch Rapp?”
We finished our books, exchanged with each other, and spent many hours last summer reading as America was threatened and saved in 500 pages, thanks to our hero Mitch Rapp.
Over the years Dad and I shared scores of books, but your books were our best, and our last.
Dad died in October, but some of my last best memories include reading your books together.
Thank you, and may God bless you,
Monesa G.
Career Army Officer And War Veteran Sends Thanks And Admiration
I am a career Army officer, veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, and service that has taken me across the world to 27 nations. I was first turned on to your writings while overseas and have been a voracious reader of your work ever since. I was just preparing to loan the entire series to a friend when I read your update.
I am so sorry to hear of the challenges you have faced over the past year, but glad for your triumph. You are an inspiration to a writer like myself and I feel for you and your family. That said, I am also delighted to know that you were able to return to your passion and finish another Mitch Rapp novel. I hope you are able to get some much deserved rest and recuperation and get back into great shape.
We are about the same age and much of what you write about involves life experiences and time lines I can personally relate to. Having grown up during the Iran Hostage situation, the Lockerbie bombing and having my first tour in Berlin has definitely set the tone for my life and career.
You, your wife and family (because, as a veteran, I know it takes a lot of toll on our spouses and kids) have my sincere appreciation. Thanks for all the work you have done and will continue to do. I am sincerely inspired by you and your work. Thanks for modeling excellence as a writer, husband, father, patriot and citizen.
Rangers Lead The Way!
Arnold S
The Request Of A Special Gift For A Special Man
Hi Mr. Flynn,
I am writing to ask a favor of you. My husband, Aaron recently returned home from an 18-month deployment to Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom.
While he was deployed, his job was route clearance, which involved searching the roads for bombs and clearing the roads before anyone else would travel on them. he had a pretty dangerous job.
While he was there he had little downtime and not much help taking his mind off the day-to-day routine and the severity of his daily job.
Knowing my husband, my parents sent him a few of your books...he became hooked and had to have more! He read all of your books on his deployment. He didn't have a lot of downtime but when they went on overnight missions where they were away from their FOB, they didn't have much to do which finally gave him the opportunity to read and he always found comfort and a way to escape his realities of deployment by reading your books.
I have to emphasize what a big deal this is, coming from a guy who didn't like to read much before he left. Now, he is now huge fan of yours. He can't wait for your next book to come out in February!
So, here is where my favor comes in. I don't know if this would be at all possible, but I thought I'd never know unless I asked. It would be the coolest gift ever if I could get a signed copy of his favorite book, which is "Consent to Kill." I would be happy to pay you for the book and shipping costs or whatever it took. This would be huge! It would be an amazing gift to give him for Christmas.
This was a really scary deployment for our family, we have two small kids at home and we were truly blessed to have him return home to us after being away for so long in such a dangerous area. I would be forever grateful to you if you'd be willing to help me with this. I'm sure you get requests all the time, but I can tell you that having a soldier return home and knowing that your books was one of few things that got him through deployment: it's something to be cherished.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for any help you'd be willing to give, assuming you have the time. Thanks again and thank you for being an incredible writer! Best to you!
Whitney P.
Vince sent Aaron a signed edition of Consent To Kill.
LPGA Players Love Mitch Rapp Too!
My husband & I saw you on Glenn Beck. We started reading your books and ended up reading all of them.
We are in our 50s and last summer three LPGA players stayed at our home, during a tournament in town.
They left some of their luggage in our living room for easy access. I spotted two of your books. These are young women in their 20s who love Mitch Rapp and you, of course.
We discussed your books and I sent them a care package of the books they didn't have yet (except American Assassin - I just couldn't part with it yet).
I think it's great that young people can read your writing and hopefully get a better handle on politics.
- Linda
Mitch Rapp Offers A Welcomed Distraction For Marines In Afghanistan
Dear Mr. Flynn,
I am currently writing you from Afghanistan. I am on a year long deployment and I just wanted to say thank you.
I came out here with every book you have written. I finished them all in about 2 months and many of my fellow Marines have as well.
You books have helped us escape from this place we have to call home for a year. I brought much enjoyment and gives us all something to talk about besides the day to day life out here.
I cant wait till your next book comes back. It will be the first thing I buy when I come home.
Thank you again for all you do. Have a blessed day.
LCpl Tyler B.
(Vince sent him a signed edition of Kill Shot, when it was published)
A Signed First Edition For A Second Tour
Dear Vince,
My brother-in-law returned from a tour of duty in Iraq three years ago, and he ships out for a year in Afghanistan later this month.
He has told me that one of his favorite care packages during the first tour was one I sent him that included a copy of Transfer of Power.
The book made its way through camp and made some long day and nights a lot better for our guys--Thank you!. Eric has become one of your biggest fans, since reading your first book, and he collects first editions of the Mitch Rapp series.
This second tour will be especially hard, as he is leaving a one-year-old daughter this time. I would LOVE for him to be surprised by a signed copy of your new book in October.
It would be an awesome way to complete the circle that we began in Iraq three years ago.
Any help you can provide would be sincerely appreciated. Many thanks for your consideration, and for the terrific books.
- Gina
(Vince sent him a signed edition of Kill Shot)
When Asked For Baby Names, Michael Suggested Mitchell Rapp
Just want you to know how much I love your books. I've read each of them multiple times. I've already read American Assassin 3 times and I cannot get enough of your other books.
I'm such a huge fan and am so excited that you books will be getting the big-screen treatment. You deserve it & my greatest wish is that they get Mitch Rapp right.
Funny thing: I tried to get my wife to allow me to name our last child Mitchell Rapp Green, but she didn't go for it. I'm hoping next time. Strange, I know, but again, I'm a huge fan.
My wife is also a nurse and I know the struggles of cancer, cancer treatment and having had several family members with various forms of cancer, I know the struggle of loved ones working hard to get through the treatments.
All my best wishes for you, your continued success in your treatments and prayers for you and your family.
Warm regards,
Michael G.
Sharpshooter Reads About Mitch Rapp Killing Terrorists As He Trains To Do The Same
Dear Vince,
I'm an American Jew serving in the Israel Defense Forces. I recently picked up American Assassin at a bookstore in Jerusalem and brought it with me to urban warfare training last week.
It's pretty cool reading about a guy killing terrorists while training to kill terrorists.
Thanks for helping me get through the week! Maybe I can get a Hezbollah guy to sign a book for you before I take him out.
424th mechanized infantry battalion, "Givati" brigade, IDF
The Quest For The Golden Book
I have all of your books. I was reading "Term Limits" and we flew to Miami for a long week end (get out of the cold) and I was on chapter 30.
I left the book on the plane.
We searched for two days and couldn't find a replacement.
We were taking a cab back to our hotel and the cab driver said he knew of a place to get the book. After a $110.00 cab ride, we purchased the replacement for about $9.00.
It is now called the "golden book". I did finish it before we returned to Fort Wayne, IN.
You are in our prayers, please keep writing, we need more "Mitch Rapp" in our lives.
With our best,
Dale and Catherine, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Should There Be A Warning Label For Pregnant Women On Vince Flynn Books?
I am devastated.
"Consent to Kill" should have a warning label for pregnant women to not read this book.
I am 5 months pregnant and cried for an hour last night when I read that Anna died.
I love the Mitch series and felt so excited when I read that she was expecting.
I even told my husband that we (Anna and I) were pregnant together.
Very surprised and shocked, even cried again this morning when I woke up.
I just hope that Mitch kills them all!
Tampy Bay, FL
Sharing Mitch Rapp Can Be Difficult...Even With Your Spouse
My husband and me have recently become big fans of yours. My husband had recently retired and in some spare time took up reading. He kept telling me how much I would enjoy your books. I hadn't been much of a reader up to this point. Well let me tell you, I started with Transfer of Power and I could not put it down.
I did absolutely nothing but read for 2 days!
I continued reading the books in order and so was my husband. He was ahead of me but I am a faster reader. I caught up to him when he was reading Consent To Kill.
The book belonged to our son and had been read several times so it was a little ragged and worn. It was starting to split in half .
I couldn't wait for my husband to finish the book so once he was finished the first "half", I cut the book in half! My husband continued reading the last half and I read the first half. We started laughing. Of all the books out there, here we were reading the same novel!
Bob & Bonnie Pettipas
Nova Scotia, Canada
Team Orion Starts A Vince Flynn Book Club In Afghanistan
Hello Vince,
All our guys are now in Afghanistan at our final base of operations. On a personal note, it’s great to be back here at such an important time for this country.
My Soldiers feel the same way.
Speaking of my Soldiers, they’ve created a Vince Flynn book club thanks to your gift of two copies of each of your books. They’ve been burning through them and passing them around inside our unit almost every night. I’ve never seen Soldiers read so much, so fast and with such enjoyment.
Just tonight one of the Sergeants dropped in to tell me he’d finished two books in five days. Another guy read over 600 pages since his arrival last week.
Funny too is how they’ve adopted call signs for themselves based on characters in the books. A small clique of really hard-corps Mitch Rapp fans has taken to calling themselves, “Orion Team.”
Special Forces Soldier
An Audition For The Role Of Mitch Rapp On The Silver Screen
Dear Vince,
In the world of storytelling you are one of my biggest heroes. I greatly admire and appreciate the thoroughness of your research behind the action in your plots, the current nature of the story lines that aid in educating the public about the dangers to our freedom and the glorification of the sacrifices made by our nation's intelligence services to keep our citizens safe. I see in you a humility and a spirit of servitude aimed towards your audience and those that protect our country that I so greatly admire.
I'm an actor in Los Angeles and when I heard Consent to Kill was in pre-production with a director attached I decided to film a couple scenes from the book as an audition piece when and if casting takes place. I wanted to share with you these scenes, see scenes here: (the video is no longer available).
One way or the other I hope to be a part of bringing your stories to life on the big screen. I realize the role of Mitch Rapp will most likely be given to a big name actor but I hope the scenes I shot will help me to be considered for other roles in the film. In addition to acting I juggled the duties of co-director, production manager, casting director, location scout, editor and writer (adapting the scenes into a script) in order to turn the scenes into a reality. At the very least my efforts serve as a testament to the appreciation and love I have for the work you do.
Joshua Kingdon