Team Orion Starts A Vince Flynn Book Club In Afghanistan

Hello Vince,

All our guys are now in Afghanistan at our final base of operations. On a personal note, it’s great to be back here at such an important time for this country. 

My Soldiers feel the same way.

Speaking of my Soldiers, they’ve created a Vince Flynn book club thanks to your gift of two copies of each of your books. They’ve been burning through them and passing them around inside our unit almost every night. I’ve never seen Soldiers read so much, so fast and with such enjoyment. 

Just tonight one of the Sergeants dropped in to tell me he’d finished two books in five days. Another guy read over 600 pages since his arrival last week.

Funny too is how they’ve adopted call signs for themselves based on characters in the books. A small clique of really hard-corps Mitch Rapp fans has taken to calling themselves, “Orion Team.”

Special Forces Soldier

An Audition For The Role Of Mitch Rapp On The Silver Screen

Dear Vince,

In the world of storytelling you are one of my biggest heroes. I greatly admire and appreciate the thoroughness of your research behind the action in your plots, the current nature of the story lines that aid in educating the public about the dangers to our freedom and the glorification of the sacrifices made by our nation's intelligence services to keep our citizens safe. I see in you a humility and a spirit of servitude aimed towards your audience and those that protect our country that I so greatly admire.

I'm an actor in Los Angeles and when I heard Consent to Kill was in pre-production with a director attached I decided to film a couple scenes from the book as an audition piece when and if casting takes place. I wanted to share with you these scenes, see scenes here: (the video is no longer available).

One way or the other I hope to be a part of bringing your stories to life on the big screen. I realize the role of Mitch Rapp will most likely be given to a big name actor but I hope the scenes I shot will help me to be considered for other roles in the film. In addition to acting I juggled the duties of co-director, production manager, casting director, location scout, editor and writer (adapting the scenes into a script) in order to turn the scenes into a reality. At the very least my efforts serve as a testament to the appreciation and love I have for the work you do. 

Joshua Kingdon

Mitch Rapp Resonates With Reader Who Joined The Marines After 9/11


I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your outstanding novels. The Mitch Rapp story line has captivated me since mid-2004 when a fellow Marine introduced me to your books.

I'm now 33, have been an avid reader since my early 20's, and can say without question that your novels captivate me more than any other author I've read. 

I can relate to Mitch in a vague sense in that 9-11 hit me so deeply I joined the Marine Corps. I can certainly understand his drive for retribution and commitment to our country. While a patriot before 9-11, I never knew what love of country really meant until that tragic day. I guess in some small way the Rapp story has captivated me because his motivation to serve, and my own, are similar. We were hit in the face with the realities of the world, how evil it can be, and wanted nothing more than to face those evils and destroy them ourselves.

I look forward to October every year and am eagerly awaiting the release of American Assasin.

Thanks again, keep up the great work!
Logan J. - Richardson, TX

Mitch Rapp Motivates Sergeant To Train Even Harder

I have read your books all the way up to Separation of Power and have not been able to put any of them down.

I am a full time combat medic instructor at camp Ripley in Little Falls, MN and your books motivate me to train harder and push my students further to be more like your fictional character; Mitch Rapp.

There have been many nights that I go to bed at around 10 and find myself still
reading at midnight; and After reading your books for about an hour or so I don’t
know if I should keep reading or I should go out for a run because I feel out of
shape when I read about how good of shape that Mitch is in. I then have to force
myself to go to bed because I have to be up at 0530 to get ready and head off to work.

My readiness NCO and I have both read your books and love them. If you are ever on 371 heading up to Brainerd stop by Camp Ripley bldg 2-1 we would love to meet you and get a book signed.

Keep up the good work,
SGT Jeremie V. Little Falls, MN

Mitch Rapp Audio Books Makes The Drive To See An Ailing Father A Little Easier

First of all, I just want to say that I greatly enjoy your work and I have all of your books (Audio-CD's). I don't get a lot of free time to read so I pop in a CD every time I'm on the road.

I live in Cedar Rapids, IA and am a police dispatcher for the state patrol. I'm originally from Mason City, IA and travel home frequently.  My father is also a huge fan of yours and got me started with listening to your books.  He has a very bad heart so I go back often to checkup on him and go to appointments with him.

I just want to say that my nervous drives to and from Mason City have been easier when I'm listening to Mitch Rapp do his thing. It's not been easy these past couple of years driving home not knowing what news may be coming our way, but the drives are a little easier now that I have an engaging story and fascinating characters to take my mind off of things.

I hope to shake your hand one day and say thank you in person. I have a lot of Audio-CD's, but I always go back to yours because it always makes me think of my father because we truly enjoy reading/listening to your stories.

Thanks again, sir.
Robby J.

What Would You Trade For A Mitch Rapp Book...Meatloaf and Baby Wipes?

Mr. Flynn,

I have never written a “fan letter” before so please forgive me as I attempt to accurately describe my thoughts and feelings regarding your work.  In 2003, I found myself bored, hot, hungry and homesick, as I sat in the turret of my armored personnel carrier, situated in a hull defilade position as part of the Marine Corps’ Regimental Combat Team 5. We were located somewhere in Kuwait inside LAS (Living Support Area) 5 awaiting the order to cross the LOD and invade Iraq.

For many reasons, wartime boredom and anxiety is some of the worst there is. Some of the reasons are obvious and others aren’t so clear or easy to anticipate let alone cope with on a daily basis. It was due to lack of foresight on my part that I was trained and armed for everything combat had to offer except the absolute mind-numbing boredom that would ultimately dominate the days to come. This became apparent only a few hours into the flight bound for Kuwait that would end up spanning the better part of 24 hours.  Hindsight being 20/20, I would have armed myself with more than bullets and grenades. Although, at the time I wasn’t a big reader, I certainly would have came equipped with a book or two.  That was not to be the case however, I went into combat armed only to protect my physical self, not my mental self.  I would soon learn the two are more dependent on each other than I knew.

Somewhere along the line I came into possession of one of your books.  By the end of the second page I was writing a letter home asking my father to mail me every Vince Flynn book he could find. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t receive any mail for another four months, but to my surprise I found a Marine who had one of your books. After a short bargain, I ended up with the book and it had only cost me one package of baby wipes and my meatloaf MRE.  Those two books took me and my imagination on the best adventure I have ever been on. I don’t know if it was because I, like Rapp, was fighting terrorists to protect America, or if it’s because I have always been interested in black-ops and night vision, but something made those books capture my imagination in a way I never experienced before.

Years had gone by after I completed my enlistment where I hadn’t picked up a book at all. Not until recently, when I became disabled and unable to work, did I pick up another book. With more down time than I know what to do with, I decided to read all your books, in order this time. In the past four days I have read three books, Term Limits, Transfer of Power, and The Third Option. Each book is better than the last and I get more and more attached to Rapp with every story. It’s the strangest thing to have feelings of loyalty and compassion towards fictional characters, but you have written in such a way that I can’t help but feel that I actually know them.  I sometimes catch myself having thoughts that I believe to be my memories only to realize I am thinking about a particular part of one of your books, not something that actually occurred in my life. I’m no expert by any means, but tend to think that any author who can blend the lines between fiction and reality in a readers mind has something very special to offer. You sir have that in spades and I commend you for it and on the enormity of your success. I truly hope you continue the Mitch Rapp series for the foreseeable future and continue to expand on his ever impressive life.

Unfortunately, being unable to work right now has prevented me from being able to read Pursuit of Honor, but I am chomping at the bit to get my hands on it. Perhaps when it comes out in paperback I will be in a better position to get it, unless of course I can find someone willing to trade me for a meatloaf MRE. I also just read about the next book coming out October, 2010 which I am very excited for also. Thank you again for your amazing books and ability to transport me into the story, you are truly gifted!

Very Respectfully,
Brett J. Fluri SGT, USMC 

Vince sent SGT Fluri a signed copy of Pursuit of Honor.

Vince Helps A Mother And Son Deal With Dyslexia

I saw your interview with Glenn Beck. I have a son with dyslexia.

We live in a small town and I had so many struggles with the school system. I home school this smart, imaginative young man. 

I was so inspired by your admission of dyslexia and your struggle that I taped the program so my son could watch.

Before he saw your interview I had trouble getting him to write anything. He would tell me what to write but his fear of looking or feeling dumb kept him from that. He will now write things after watching the program and he is a good story teller. He is going to work this summer at writing stories and he loves the subject matter of military and planes, tanks, combat...

It is amazing to me how one person's admission can inspire someone and you have inspired my son.

Jennifer J. of Ellensburg WA

Battling To See Who Will Read All Of Vince's Novels First

The attached photo is of Lieutenant Colonel Miles Armstrong (L) and Chief Warrant Officer Scott Morgan (R) of I Corps, United States Forces - Iraq.

The photo was taken on the west side, third floor balcony of the Al Faw Palace, Camp Victory, Victory Base Complex, Baghdad, Iraq. The Joint Visitor's Bureau can be seen in the background. This is where VIPs and dignitaries stay when visiting the Corps Headquarters.

Miles and I were in the middle of reading W.E.B. Griffin's Presidential Agent series. He was a book ahead of me. While I was waiting on him to finish, I needed something else to read. I stumbled on 'Act of Treason' by accident. I found it one of our many book bins among the thousands of books that we have here. Being that I'm a big fan of Daniel Silva's Israeli spy novels, I read the synopsis and thought this might be a book that I'd enjoy reading. Was I ever right!

I was hooked from the first chapter. By the second chapter I had ordered the first three in the series from Amazon. After reading 'Treason', I put Griffin on hold and started from the beginning with 'Term Limits'. When I finished that one, I gave it to Miles and told him that he had to read that book.

Needless to say, he was hooked too. We've blown through the entire ten book series in about 5 months.

We're looking very forward to reading 'Honor'. The battle will be who gets to read it first.

How An 82-Year Old Father Started Reading Again

Hi Vince,

Just a quick note to let you know that I read all of your books this past year. But that is not the real story.

The real story is that my father, Joe, who is 82 years old, has not read a book for entertainment since he was a child.  I introduced him to Term Limits last Autumn, and he loved it!

Since then, both he and my mother, Dolores (soon to be 80) have read all 11 of your books and are eagerly awaiting your next (as am I).

Just wanted to let you know that your stories and writing style spans all ages!

Keep up the great writing!

Rod H.
Bellevue, WA