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Mike Appreciates A Bad Ass With A Sense Of Humor

“I loved the idea of putting Mitch (in Lethal Agent) in an environment not familiar to him like Mexico. It was something outside the normal head to the Middle East and kick the crap out of ISIS. It was a nice twist. I also found Mr. Mills injected a sense of humor into Mitch as there were multiple times I found myself chuckling at Mitch’s action. Without giving too much away I particularly remember Mitch’s interaction with the Cartel members in California. Particularly his food choices. You’ll know when you read it.

Not worry worry Mitch is still a bad ass, and there is plenty of action in this novel. Mitch also gets very creative in accomplishing goals. I think back to the time he picks his handcuff locks in Mexico, again I won’t go into details, but it is impressive and slightly disturbing. Mitch continues to have a hard edge to him. I must say the ending of this book might be my favorite ending of all time. I won’t give anything away, but the last chapter is priceless.

Whether this is your first Mitch Rapp book or you have enjoyed the whole series, you need to pick this book up.” - Mike