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Vince Makes A Man's Anniversary But Ruins It For His Wife

G'day from "Down Under." I had the fortunate experience back in 2001 to be searching for some reading materials for a long weekend away with my wife for our wedding anniversary. I found the first two books of the Mitch Rapp series, Transfer Of Power and The Third Option.  I don't think my wife liked Vince at all. Once I got my head stuck into the book I was gone for good! I had to be dragged off the lounge to go out for meals, I didn't want to sit in the spa and drink champagne with her (it would get the pages wet). The weekend was a dud for her; but for me, I was as happy as 10 happy things! I have read each of the Mitch Rapp books - many of them two or three times and it is always difficult waiting for the next installment. Please keep up the great work. 

Yours sincerely,

Shane Austin.