Each month VinceFlynn.com features an email/post submitted by a fan.
During His Retirement A Fan Rediscovers Mitch Rapp
“Great! Great! Books! Since retirement last February, I have reread all of my older books, bought and read new ones and now have just finished Code Red. 22 books this past year and am ordering Capture Or Kill today. Thanks for keeping Mitch, Scott, the boys and all of us going.” - Steve
A Mitch Rapp Ambassador Has Some Issues With The Title Reveal
For the Mitch Rapp #24 Title Reveal, we offered fans an opportunity to have early ACCESS to the title.
We asked 3 very-easy questions:
What book did Vince sell out of the trunk of his car?
What book was made into a movie?
What was Don Bentley’s first book in the Mitch Rapp series?
If fans took the first word of every answer, put dashes between the words and added .com to the end, they would be the first to have ACCESS to the title of Mitch Rapp #24. In the end. the URL looked like this: term-american-capture.com.
Now, we did not lie. We did reveal the title to fans, in a way that they might not even know it.
Fans were directed to a page (see above image). Granted, we made it so there would be some uncertainty.
Not all fans were happy, including Ambassador Jerry who had this month’s post of the month. “This isn't the slightest bit funny at all!”
A Note From A Fan From Down Under
“Sitting in a meal room, waiting to refuel the Firefighters doing their bit fighting bushfires in regional Oz…just finished this one. Loved it!!! I could absolutely sense in the change in writing style the from Kyle Mills to Don Bentley...but it's the same when there is a change of actor for the James Bond character; at first it's a bit weird, the new feelings take a bit, but we settle in to a new take of an established character. I can't wait to see where Don takes the Mitch Rapp universe next.” - Scott
What Made Capture Or Kill Genuis
“Really loved the new book. I was thinking what is Mitch going to do next? It’s practically a post apocalyptic timeline. To bring the story back in time was simply genius in my opinion.” - T.L.
Capture Or Kill Was The Best Mitch Rapp Mission!
“I have read the Mitch Rapp saga twice. Don, your attention to detail was amazing! I could see myself in a dark cave (scared). Capture Or Kill was the best Mitch Rapp mission! Looking forward to more adventures Don!” - Alvin
An Email/Post First!
This month, we have a first. A post from a bookstore.
“We've been reviewing our author photos file and fell upon this one taken at Vince's first book talk and signing at The Poisoned Pen. The photo is still in great shape and captures the late author's zest brilliantly.”
A Fan Shares Her Memories Of Vince
June 19, 2024 marked 11 years since Vince passed, after a long battle with prostate cancer.
Hundreds of fans shared their memories of him via emails and posts. including Teresa. “Went to several book signings and he was always so nice and took the time to talk to my son. We never felt rushed. Just a really nice guy and a great author!”
An Album Of Fan Photos To Remember Vince
In response to our monthly Where Are You Reading post, Carlos shared this:
“I used a lot of pictures emailed to me by fans in my tribute scrapbook that we sent to Vince's wife and children. I received a beautiful letter from her thanking me for such an amazing gift. I couldn't have done it without all the fans coming together and showing their love of Vince Flynn”
A Fan Shares His Excitment For Don Bentley’s First Mitch Rapp Novel
After Kyle announced you’d be taking the reins, I picked up a Matt Drake novel. I’m halfway through the series and confident that Mitch Rapp has some nasty surprises and a rough road ahead of him. I almost feel bad for the guy. Which is to say, I’m excited to experience it third-hand.
Tom Barnard Shares Memories Of Vince
“I miss Vince very much! Whether it was going to his house or everyone coming to our house, the discussions, the laughs, the dinner parties, it was all wonderful! I will never forget one morning I am about to go on the air and my phone rings. It was Vince and in a very somber tone he said, ‘Tom, your mother died.’ What a caring, lovely person. Vince, why don’t you write a book about Heaven!! BTW, speaking of Heaven, say hello to my Mom for me!” - Tom Barnard, host of the KQ92 Morning Show in Minneapolis for 37 years.
The Sleepless Pastor - Due To Mitch Rapp
“Well over 10 years ago, I discovered Vince Flynn and couldn't get enough of his books. I read the first 3 in record time (for me). I was talking with a pastor friend who had been a medic in Vietnam, after that became a police detective and then a pastor, and told him how awesome the books were. He said that he would be interested in reading them.
After I gave them to him, he walked into church on a Sunday morning and, in a very loud voice, said, "Jim, I'm really mad at you. I haven't slept all week, in fact I was up until 2:30 last night reading the Vince Flynn books!"
Kyle Mills carried on that tradition of "can't put it down," and from what I have read of Don Bentley's work, that tradition will be carried on.” - James
A Fan Binge Reads The Mitch Rapp Series
“I started reading the Mitch Rapp series in 2023 for my annual binge-read. This is a personal reading tradition I have been following since 2017 wherein I read one-author, one-character series from start to finish. I had heard great things about this series in the last few years and was keen to pick them up. I also knew my brother had read a few of Vince Flynn's earlier novels because our local bookseller had gotten him hooked on them. So, I pulled these out from our home library shelf and collected the rest on my eBook reader. I finished the entire collection of 23 books (including Term Limits) between Oct-Nov 2023 and am now a complete fan.” - Ashima
A Fan Shares His Annual Tradition
“My annual tradition is read Mitch Rapp in the deer stand. My favorite thing!” - Ron
A Fan Recovers From Brain Trauma By Reading Mitch Rapp
“Six years ago I had a bicycle accident in Paradise, CA. I spent a month in the hospital in the trauma brain injury section. They tell me I'm lucky to carry on a conversation. I started reading as a brain exercise. I'm a pretty slow reader, but I stick to it. I'm ecstatic to find the Mitch Rapp series. I truly enjoy them and am sorry I'm getting to the current ending of them. Thanks for writing them and if possible keep them coming.”
A Note From The Grandson Of An Ambassador Who Has Passed
“I just wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart. A while ago, you gave my grandfather Rodney Green an early edition of the new Code Red book. My grandfather unfortunately passed away before he could finish the book. He battled cancer long and hard and absolutely loved your books to death. I want to thank you again because he cherished that moment you gave him that book, he was ecstatic thinking that someone thought of little old him in no where West Virginia. That's how he put it to me at least, he was so proud and happy to be someone you guys chose to review the book he told everyone he knew about it. Before he passed he was upset knowing he wasn't gonna be able to finish the book, but he was damn happy to be in your guys thoughts. Thanks again.”
Fan Photos From The Code Red Book Tour
This month we are sharing photos fans posted of the Code Red book tour.
Early Reviews For Code Red
This month we are cheating a bit. We are featuring some of the reviews from Mitch Rapp Ambassadors.
“Kyle Mills really pulls out all the stops in his finale and leads us all the way to the last page wanting more and standing up and clapping.” - Matt Persson - read complete review.
“The action is intense and the pages turn with ease as the reader cannot wait to see what will happen next. It is entertainment at its best.” - Dave - read complete review.
“No doubt this is a 5 star book, perhaps the finest of Mills' Rapp series! You don't want to miss this one!!!” - Jerry Olesen - read complete review.
“When you open a Mitch Rapp book, expectations are almost insurmountably high, yet somehow Kyle Mills always delivers.” - Bill Griffin - read complete review.
Danielle's Friends Won't Let Her Into Their Book Club
“I can’t even believe 10 years [since Vince has passed]. RIP, he truly was a fabulous talent and lost wayyyyy too soon. I absolutely love this series and read it over and over. I just go through the rotation. My friends say ‘you’re not getting into our book club because you won’t read anyone else. You have an obsession with that black ops guy.’” - Danielle
A Story From One Of Vince's CNN Appearances
“Wonderful man. I met him when I was in the makeup room at CNN just before he was about to go on air for an interview. He took the time to speak to everyone in the room with great humor and warmth. Few people think of others, when they are about to go on live television.” - Kitty